Geralt didn't exactly like that question for he had basically answered. He didn't know what the Archangel was capable of, what she could do exactly. He just needed her help, be it through guidance or knowledge. He didn't understand. Geralt thought it would be so hard. He didn't really know what he wanted from other than her help. He looked confused, conflicted more like. "I don't truly know. Only that I know I come seeking your help. I can't help my town for I know not the knowledge of what this evil other than what it has been doing. I know not how to stop it, so I came seeking the help of one who knows, have the strength to defeat it before it does more harm." Geralt felt a loss and he didn't like not having a deeper meaning to ones questions. But he lifted his head, looking to the sky. "Please. I seek your help, guidance, what you wish to give me if at all. Though truly want nothing." Honestly it made no sense to what he said but it seeked help but really wanted nothing if it was permanent. It was a wish." If she not able to help, he would find another way. But Geralt knew time was short."