Lorenzo was shocked like anyone else would have when they woke up realizing they were in their characters body. However the shock of it quickly passed for him when he realized that his character was who he always wanted to be, a gentleman at heart. After a few hours of just trying to get the idea of him being a butler through his head he proceeded to regain his poise. Everything went on as one would expect he was on the outskirts of the city buying something for his mistress when he first came online which was a relief since he doubt he would have lasted long outside the city at his current level. Lorenzo or rather his name was silver now checked to see everything was in working order in terms of the screen and how he remembered the game, thankfully he still had his top hat along with his trusty longsword holstered to his side. Lorenzo was a gamer at heart in the real world so living out his days as a certain persona wasn't all that bad for him but it make him realize that if he stayed in this world to long he could kiss his degree goodbye. Right now though all that mattered was continuing to do what he was doing before he quickly checked his friends list and saw that he was glad that a few of his guild mates including his mistress was in the game as well which meant he still had a home to go to in this game. Each day he woke up early put on his uniform and got his breakfast for the master and mistress. He went to the kitchen feeling like a horrible butler bringing his mistress what may as well be soggy crackers and water but what could he do, he wasn't a chief he was a butler and he heard that even some 90 level chiefs couldn't make this crap edible so he had to suck it up and do it. He went upstairs in the guild hall and knocked on the door to his guildmaster room before walking and putting the tray down, then bowing like a butler would before he left them alone. Doing that each day was what raised him up to his current butler level, yes silver is a butler but that's because silver wanted to prove that a man could be stylish and deadly hence why he is also an assassin, any butler worth their salt had to be able to protect their master/mistress when the time came. Once he delivered their food he groaned as he ate his own which again, tasted like crap. Then he would wait outside his mistress room until she called upon him. The nights were his to train and go out and level up but daytime was when he was a butler, not bad when you think about it...