He was tired, it had been days since he had last gotten a good night's sleep. Or, good day's sleep. Vieru travelled mostly by night, when people were much less likely to see him. Day or night, it didn't make much of a difference to him, he could see just fine either way. Perhaps that was why the demon didn't notice the little, feathered, creature until it was jumping at his head. Startled, Vieru quickly sent a small breeze at the little bird, sending it's path away from his head. Catching it lightly in his arms, he held it away from him and stared for a moment. It was a Cucco, the only thing people feared more than demons. [color=violet]"What are you doing out here little guy?"[/color] He asked, confusion obvious in his voice. It wasn't common to see Cuccos wandering alone, out in the fields they usually travelled in flocks. A sudden voice literally caused him to jump, he really did have his guard down if he allowed someone to sneak up on him. Usually he was excellent at staying out of sight. Taking advantage of his leap, Vieru shifted the Cucco to one hand and tucked it close against his body, his now free hand conjured up a breeze that caught him and carried him into the air. Putting well out of range of most projectile weapons, not to mention close range ones. His grip on the Cucco was very careful, it was gentle enough not to aggravate the bird, but firm enough that it hopefully felt safe enough to not rip his face off. Maybe if he was lucky, he'd survive this without injury. With the wind still swirling around him both protectively and simple keeping him up, it left him free to do other things. Vieru pressed his long ears back against his head and let out a menacing snarl, hoping to simply scare the person off. Which, considering he was holding a fluffy bird, would be kind of difficult to do. He had only heard a portion of what the person said, as he had been thinking more about getting away than anything. They had said something about descendants and some kind of guild. Ah, that's right, that flyer said the same things. Whatever, he was still a demon, it was impossible for him to be descended from a hero. The only demons in Hyrule's history were evil. If he couldn't scare the person off, then it would come to him either fleeing or being forced to fight. Right now Vieru didn't want either one of those. What he really wanted was to find a nice, quiet, safe, spot and maybe get some sleep. [color=violet]"Get away from me human!"[/color] Vieru hissed, [color=violet]"If you don't, then you may not be leaving this place at all!"[/color] A major bluff, he wouldn't really go around killing people, but they didn't know that. The only things he hunted and killed were monsters. If people actually had proof that he killed people, well then he would be hunted constantly. Never again getting a moment of peace.