[center][h2][color=#00cc00]Alec[/color][/h2][/center] [color=#00cc00]"Red like roses brings me back to the place I rest..."[/color] Alec stretched his back and whiffed in the forest scent. Even after a week, it still felt completely unreal. The world of Elder Tale just felt so... alive. Alec would never known the difference, the birds chirrped as cheerfully as they did in the forests of Germany, the highlands were as beautiful and open as Scotland, and towns as pretty (and crowded more often than not) as France. Of course, sights and smells weren't enough to keep people all too thrilled about being stuck in a video game. There was absolutely nothing to do, PKing had lost its luster a few days ago even if there were some trying to squeeze the fruit for all its juice. NPC quests were largely ignored as people just needed a few coins to feed and bed themselves for a day. Whatever living it was, it sure didn't feel [i]alive.[/i] [color=#00cc00]"Alright you spindly bastard, time to head back. I've had my fun here."[/color] Alec jumped up onto the back of his spider mount and marched back to . The path back was empty, what few souls ventured on the road were turned back by the boy and his giant spider. It was scary, it smelled a bit sometimes and it was a bitch in a half to control, but at least it kept the PKers away. Giant spiders tend to make people not want to approach you it seems. Passing through the gates, his mount parted the crowd with ease, not everyday you see a spider strolling down the street. Taking note of the large crowd around the message board. "Time for you to leave old friend." And with that, Alec released his mount with a blow of its frozen whistle and headed over the board. Whole bunch of stupid , boring jobs and one that was going to get him killed. Letting his breath fall short with mild disappointment, he raised his chins and yelled, [color=#00cc00]"Anyone need potions and/or a dodge tank paladin for the dungeon raid?!"[/color]