Rima nervously slipped into the building just as the very important man was starting his speech, and he looked around the very much filled room. Taking a deep swallow, he half turned and shoved his dominion rod further down into his pack so it couldn't bee seen. He had brought in in hopes that someone would be able to dig up some kind of old lore or something on it. That was sounding less and less likely. Refocusing his attention back on the speech, Rima would look more nervous as the speech went towards 'if you're not willing to die painfully, leave.' It was very difficult for the young scholar not to do just that, but he managed to get over himself enough to get out of the doorway so as to let those who did want to leave to leave. Why did everything interesting have to be deadly and dangerous. While he wouldn't be joining those leaving, he couldn't keep himself from murmuring under his breath. [color=40826D]"P-personally, I'm not the go out and get in fights... I prefer just reading about them..."[/color] He didn't say this loud enough for anyone to really hear, but his anxiety would be clear to any onlooker. His hands would be fidgeting with his belt buckles, the nine arrows in the crappy makeshift quiver he had on his belt, the strap that held his hommade bow to his back. He was clearly no ranger, but he looked as if he [i]might[/i] be able to handle himself in the woods alone. If he had a book that told him which berries he should eat.