Natalie sighs softly glad that he would take her warning seriously enough. "Good, thank you. I'll do my best to come to the study date." She promised and blushed at the word never having been on a date before. She pushed people away cause it was the simplest thing to do, and she didn't have many friends, but she still had a few that she let close to her. She sat in the chair she had been. "Music. It helps with my anger issues. I find that playing the piano, violin, and guitar help with getting my focus off whatever is bothering me." She answered his question her hands together biting her lip softly. When the human pulled off her coat and ran to go to the store, some of the wolves, including the alpha and Alexei changed into their human shells, being able to shift and still have clothes on. Toga sighs pulling a hand through his dark brown hair looking down at his daughter. "I didn't think she'd wake up so soon." He said the human mates coming and going to the ones they were tied to, coming out of a home that was by there, hidden. "And she shouldn't have given this coat up. It's normal that cubs are that warm. In fact we're that warm all the time. Take it, and catch up with her Alexei." He said handing the coat to him. "I shall do my best." Alexei said not wanting to promise anything and took off in the snow covered ground, going to catch up with the human girl. She could very well freeze out here especially if she didn't really know where she was going since the snow started to fall a bit harder. Soon everything would start to look the same for the human eyesight.