[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mMjAyNzAuVTJGeVlXZ2dVbWwyWlhKaC4xAA,,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img] [color=#157DEC]"I'll love you forever, even after you're dead"[/color][/center] [color=#157DEC]She continued to assess the situation of the young man who was exasperated and dehydrated. Hunter[@Remipa Awesome] arrived shortly after with a warning to watch our backs. He was protective of her it seemed. It was sweet. Her ice blue eyes scanned their surroundings quickly. Movement from two blocks down caught her eye. Naturally she assumed it was a walker but she couldn't exactly tell from this distance. Hopefully they had some time before that "thing" had to be dealt with. She turned to the boy. [@ChronoBovino] [b]"We have some water in the..."[/b] As if on cue, Desmond[@FortunesFaded] arrived and offered the kid a water bottle. She cast a giant smile of appreciation to the man in the suit. It was almost dusk and her sunglasses had become useless. She moved them to rest on top of her head. [b]"Thanks guys."[/b] She smiled both to the man in the suit and Hunter, who seemed wary of their situation. Something in his past must have him on edge she thought. Turning back to the boy who she assumed had chugged some of the water which had been offered, she spoke to him in a calm voice. [b]"Let's get you up and over to our convoy over there, they are going to offer us shelter."[/b] Of course she was exactly sure what was going to happen but she wanted to be optimistic for not only herself, but the entire group as well. She helped the boy to his feet and returned to her car. Cole, Laura, Scout and three military men from the safe house were exchanging words. As she approached she noticed that her whole right shoulder was sticky...and drenched. There even seemed to be a puddle of the stuff that had dripped in between her bodacious breasts? She hastily took the end of her tank exposing her waist as she attempted to dry the wet mess. She realized that it was drool. Yes. It was drool...from Todd![@Wade Wilson] She smiled at the thought of the cute young kid who had slept the entire ride here. It sparked a motherly instinct and a need....well a need for a certain itch to be scratched. Her ice blue eyes danced to the optional candidates who were capable of scratching that itch....[i]Smh...Now is not the time for that.[/i] Memories of her husband and the many times they had tried to conceive did away with any sexual sins that had attempted to sway her of a good girl nature. Cole, the infamous football player took charge. Haha he was used to being a team captain so naturally he took it upon himself to take command. [i]I'm Doug, this here's Omar and Captain John. Why don't we get you guys inside, and we can all give proper introductions?"[/i] Her tired ice blue eyes were wary and filled with defeat. She hardly trusted anyone at this point, but these new people seemed willing enough. Truthfully, she needed some rest. And a bong. And shots of patron. And someone to fuck...maybe not that last one but she needed an escape to keep her mind from replaying that horrible memory of that knife penetrating her husbands head....and how is handsome eyes just went lifeless...and how she had lost the only thing that was keeping her alive. Sarah lowered her tank top and adjusted her shirt after wiping the drool away. Not knowing if they were going to be able to bring their vehicles in or not, she removed her things from the trunk of the camaro. Mainly her backpack and medical supplies bag. There was also a small amount of food and water from the apartment which maybe they could offer to the safe house for their protection. All this time, she left her pistol holstered. And had forgotten about that walker...or walkers she had seen two blocks down... [/color]