[color=1b1464]"It would seem I'm finished..."[/color] Xerxes muttered to him as he walked over to the bell the hung outside of his window. The dark skinned man reached his scarred arm out and grabbed the rough made string attached to the bell and jerked it hard. Soon enough the sound reverberated through the iron and stone sanctuary of Salvation. Natsuo groaned to himself as he spied Nako walking over to him and he smiled up at her. [color=0054a6]"Ah there you are Nako!"[/color] Natsuo said with glee as he grinned with his teeth showing at her. Nako giggled and nodded at Natsuo her crimson hair flowing behind her as she and Natsuo took to themselves side by side as they walked towards the middle part of the sanctuary. Xerxes used the middle building as a way to make sure no one got lost when taking the corridors that spanned the rest of the monastery. Nako was getting a bit older than she'd like but that was simply a part of life. She was in her mid thirties now but still had a lot of life left in her. Natsuo respected her as much as anyone else here. She was one of the best tactical fighters here and no one could match her with a kusarigama. Natsuo loved his sword but he liked weapons that had more than one use. [color=ed1c24]"Ah yes Natsuo so how's things going with you? Boring day but hopefully the big boss has contracts ready for us all. One more step towards the future and one more step to a better nation. Even if it is leaving a blood trail in it's wake. It's for the best."[/color] Nako said to Natsuo as usual she was perky and kind but blunt in letting her feelings on the matter stick out. [color=0072bc]"I wouldn't worry about it Nako, Xerxes probably has plenty of missions that need to be done. But for the moment we need to prepare for the big fish. So in keeping with that we can take out smaller fry and the like. But that's not to be saying it'll be a cake walk. One man can turn the tide of a battle. Just look at Night Raid or Esdeath. Those people and the general are all bonified badasses. No telling how many people like them are out there. Still can't say I really care. We're all too strong for them. Intel says Esdeath lost her entire god damn death squad. Poor woman...she'll take time to recuperate her losses."[/color] Natsuo exposited to Nako who nodded listening to Natsuo's words as the two of them entered the large pillar in the middle of the compound. It was made of wood inside but the floor was stone and so were the stair ways. They were wood originally but Xerxes took on the pain staking job of making them into stone as to prevent a fire from burning down the whole damn thing. Nako was the first to go up the steps but was followed by Kotaro who eyes Natsuo with disinterest as Natsuo acknowledged him with a nod as the trio made their way upstairs. The first floor was storage and general purpose items. Along with a few spare guest rooms. On the second floor was an armory and some spare bedrooms to either side of the stair case. On the third was a planning room which was full of tables, and navigational equipment to plan out future big events. And finally they came to the big iron bolted doors that led to the top of the pillar and where Xerxes's office was. Natsuo couldn't tell you what was in there but he knew it was important if Xerxes kept it locked. Of course however the door was open as Xerxes was expecting his followers to come in. Nako entered and was followed by Kotaro and finally Natsuo. [color=ed1c24]"Hello Xerxes you look well today sir."[/color] Nako said as the other two bowed to him by putting their right hand in a fist and putting their left hand on top of it then bending forward. It was an ancient greeting but it still was effective without showing submissive qualities to it. It was simply a show of respect. [color=1b1464]"Indeed it is Nako thank you for coming. Now we wait for the others though I believe the assignments today should hold even their bloody appetites. I've got assassinations and danger beasts that need to be dealt with as soon as possible."[/color] Xerxes saying as he sat down at his desk made of willow wood and adjusted his black cloak to fit behind him. He was wearing his cloak, his gauntlets made of flexible metal from a foreign land and a plain brown shirt and baggy pants. He looked like a hobo in Natsuo's opinion but Xerxes had explained to him in the past he wore it to show that even at the top looks did not mean everything and one should detach themselves from vanity. Hell he had even shaved his head bald but that was another personal choice.