Hi, I'm Keloryn, nice to meet you. After having been playing Witcher III incessantly for the last few weeks, I thought to myself 'hey, how cool would this be in a roleplay?' So, I followed up with my thought and here I am. I'm fine playing both OCs and canon characters. Generally speaking, I consider myself a detailed writer with a fine grip on the English language. English is not my first language, but I'm confident enough. (: I usually write 3-6 paragraphs per post, but I will also happily reflect my partner's length. Wanna write two paragraphs? Cool. Wanna write a bajillion paragraphs? Nice. I'm a sucker for all things romance, my favourite thing in roleplaying is character development, and I thoroughly enjoy plotting with my partners in OOC. I have examples of my writing if you're so inclined. Anyways, if this interests you at all, feel free to reach out to me in PM or on here. Toodles! c: