There was so much to do! So much to learn! How could anyone know where to start? Petra had been rattling her brain trying to understand the complex library books from the academy. Maybe it was her simple upbringing or small town education but she didn’t see the relevance of anything written in these books. Sure it made sense that certain parts working together would create something else but this was all theoretical. Why would people spend their time studying theories and fanciful guesses when they could be out in the world learning about indisputable facts. For example, from Petra’s extensive time in the mines, she knew that the average time for people eyes to adjust to darkness is 18 seconds and if you apply all of your effort during the start off a day, not only will you run out of energy by noon but you'll be sore for at least a week. Why wasn’t this information in these books? She returned all of the 'Theory' books and began browsing around for something that sparked her interest. 'Pixie Anatomy?' No, not really. She didn't care much for learning about those little creatures. 'Orcs, Goblins, and trolls. Oh my!' She didn't even stop to read the back of that book. 'Earth and its many Properties' Yes! This was just what she was looking for. After what seemed like mere minutes of reading, she closed the large book and looked around. Practically everyone had left and she noticed the sunlight quickly disappearing behind the low mountains surrounding Jeorva. She wanted to be inside those mountains so badly. She yearned for the endless hours beneath the earth and the companionship of the rocks. She let out a deep sigh and stood up from her chair. As Petra placed the book down on the table, it rocked on the edge and fell to the floor with a loud BANG. Everyone slowly turned and looked at Petra as she turned a deep shade of red. She crouched down to pick up the book only to see someone had already retrieved the book and was smiling up at her. [color=f9ad81]“Oh, thanks for getting that.”[/color] A wide toothy smile appeared on the stranger's face. “No problem. “ The kind woman glanced at the book cover and looked over again at Petra with a raised brow. “So, 'Earth and its many Properties' huh?” [color=f9ad81]“Yeah it seems like the only volume that makes sense in this entire library.”[/color] She jokingly replied as she retrieved the book from the outstretched hand of the woman. “Well, if you want, there are some really interesting volumes just over this aisle.” She began walking in the direction she indicated but notice Petra wasn't immediately following. The woman turned and smiled over at Petra. “They're just this way. Come on.” How is it that every citizen Petra ran into treated her so kindly? She had heard such negative things about the people here in Jeorva but had yet to experience one slightly unpleasant remark or look. She quickly shook her fuzzy thoughts aside and followed after this woman. She seemed to know the place well enough, why not trust her judgment?