Afina dressed in a pair of red skinny jeans and wore a [i]Fall Out Boy[/i] t-shirt. On the shirt were lyrics from their song [i]Phoenix[/i]. She'd pulled her hair back into a singular, long red braid. Her eyes glimmered a vibrant green, but with every few blinks, it was as if they changed between other vibrant hues--every other color from amber to even an icy blue. She rested her elbow on their booth and then her cheek on her hand, leaning against it in slight boredom. Part of her wanted to slap every other member of the student council, but another part of her had already accepted their fate. It was "open up to new members" or "kiss your cult goodbye". She'd chosen the prior in order to prevent the club from being wiped away from campus like a smudge on a window. A few random humans wandered over and looked at the info sheets provided and then scoffed. She could tell what they were thinking just by looking at changes in their eyes--a skill that she had possessed every lifetime that she had to suffer through. They thought the Night Garden was the laughing stock of campus, or better yet, a [i]cult[/i]. '[i]If only they knew better... then they would cower at our feet... Oh, well. Shit happens, as the mortals like to call it.[/i]' She thought nonchalantly as she twirled a small strand of stray hair around her finger. Looking at her fellow officers, she couldn't help but dread the thought of their missing Secretary. They would need a new one... and it would most likely have to be a human to appease the higher-ups. [b]"The Night Garden is finally open to all students on campus!"[/b] She said in a somewhat cheery tone of voice, trying to get people's attention. [b]"We offer a large variety of activities!"[/b]