Maribel raised an eye, a little confused as to why this boy was scared of her. Had she done something wrong? She could easily smell Merlin’s fear since it practically polluted the air with its wafting scent. Before she had a chance to inquire though, Merlin ordered for all of them to properly prepare themselves for the dawn to come. Well that wouldn’t be too hard. As a vampire, she didn’t have loved ones to give farewells to and tools weren’t really her standpoint in defense. She would have to stock on items of course for the good of the party, but staying any longer in this place did no good for her in the end. [color=00aeef]“Whatever you say fearless leader,”[/color] she said with a shrug, moving back to her elevated position in the high chair and waving her hand for another cup of drink. The bartender looked a little hesitant in giving her what she wanted but who could deny the beckon and call of a lady? And so she drank more of her prim, red liquid, keeping an eye on all those around her. The holy elf woman would be a problem since her type were usually the kind to kill first and ask questions later. Everyone else was really just a slight nuisance to her and made too much noise. Except of course, the feminine looking boy and their fearless leader.