[hider=Kagumo] [Center] Name: Kagumo Age: 26 Sex: Female Race: Gerudo Handiness: Left [Hider=Appearance] [img] http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn319/yukimoriko/Rp%20characters/GerudoPrincess1.jpg [/img][/hider] Inheritance: Roc's Cape Recent History: Kagumo was born in Gerudo Valley. Ever since she was a little girl, she was trained to be a thief. She became a fast learner, being able to pickpocket people at the age of 10. During one of her travels, she stole Roc's Cape from a temple, and has been using it at her disposal. With this in her possesion, she could obtain the 3 mythical treasures: Naryu's Love, Din's Fire, and Farore's Wind. Personal Goal: Kagumo's goal to have all three goddess treasures in her posession, making her become one of the best thieves the world has ever seen. Strengths: -Very agile and quick on her feet -Knows how to blend into the crowd/surroundings -Knows how to use her appearance/persuasiveness to get out of situations Weaknesses: -Can get in way over her head when trying to acquire her target -While she does have weapons on her, she isn't very proficient with them and acts clumsy at times -Becomes easily flustered by anyone she is attracted to Greatest Love: Treasure Hates the Most: People who try to impose themselves on her Random Fact: Is a very amazing dancer and can play the harp while dancing. [/center][/hider]