Hearing Yosuke’s outright calling of the two girls, a sly grin crept up onto Solanne’s face. She waited for Apophis to say her part before boldly proclaiming, [color=f26522]“Aw, do you want some affection too Swordslicker? You know, you could have just asked. I’m sure I have room for you too,”[/color] she teased, clenching onto Apophis for dramatic effect. Of course, if she was actually in a relationship with the snake-like girl was to be pondered for another day but she did enjoy fanning the flames of rumors. At that moment though, their fun and games came to a quick end as the Boss finally made himself known to all of Salvation’s tiny band of assassins. Solanne shifted away from Apophis to stand up and lean on the tree with arms crossed. [color=f26522]“Eh? Sounds like Word Weaver’s finally got some missions for us, y’know,”[/color] she said with a knowing chuckle, the prospect of fresh victims exciting to bear. Waving at both Apophis and Yosuke, the Crimson Hound made her way to the Boss’ location in the middle building. She then noticed Nako and Natsuo walking ahead of her and chose to take her time. So when she finally arrived inside of the compound and into Xerxes’ office, the other two were already settled, along with Kotaru. Finding a convenient wall to lean on, Solanne crossed her arms and waited for the others. Then it was off to listening to what the big Boss had to say to them all. She made the effort of bowing to him first before letting him proceed onward.