[@Mr_pink][@knighthawk] Afina looked up at the were-cat when he approached. She noted that he was doing considerably well for one who was more of a predator than most of the current members of the Night Garden. She did her best to give him a kind smile, one that held gratitude for what he was doing, and listened to his story. [b]"I think you would look splendid. Perhaps you could rub some virgin blood on your face while you're at it? Give you more of a primitive look?"[/b] She was trying to joke around, but failed miserably. Funny comments and jokes were definitely not her forte. '[i]I'm too old for young creatures like him...[/i]' She thought haphazardly, remembering just how many eons she had been forced to spend on this earth. Suddenly a human strode toward the booth and asked about the club activities. She glanced him up and down, sensing his mortality. She listened to his question, not moving her cheek from her hand. Once he'd finished speaking, she sat up straight and looked at him with piercing amber eyes, trying to judge his character, before answering, [b]"The Night Garden participates in all sorts of events."[/b] She pointed towards where the downtown area of the city would be and continued. [b]"We meet up at the Quills & Quivers most nights. We have study nights, movie nights, go to concerts, and even try to make a trip somewhere at least once a year--paid for in full by the club, of course."[/b] She reached out her hand, trying to mimic what some of the other club officers had done when greeting someone and trying to buy them in. [b]"My name is Afina, the president of the club."[/b] She hoped that he would take the offer to join the club, because having just one human would make it look like they truly tried.