Bryan had never noticed the rather large fellow, grinning as if he had a gun pointed at his spine just to the left of who he had considered to be the club leader. He gave him a small, almost unnoticeable nod before returning his attention to, Afina. He had the strange habit of sort of moving his eyebrows when listening to someone. For example, he'd move his right eyebrow up while lowering his left in a sort of confused facial expression. Occasionally they would switch before finally resting back into their normal position. At the same time as this was going on he'd be biting his thumb nail, not out of nervousness or anxiety, but out of habit. The habit was strange both in how it looked and its irregularity. It would only appear every now and then, and Bryan would often never notice it unless it were mentioned to him. His suspicion that, Afina was the leader of the club was confirmed with her final sentence. He shook her hand with his right, this time keeping it hanging at his side rather than shoving it back into his hoodie's pocket. [color=82ca9d]"I'm, Bryan"[/color] He grinned. He surveyed the room with his eyes, looking at the various clubs from afar. His father had practically ordered him to join at least one club, he said he hated him 'stinking up the house', but the real reason was, of course, to stop, Bryan from driving the family car and wasting gas all of the time. The club seemed better than most to, Bryan. It had no set goal or purpose, and he was sure that the reputation that preceded the group could not have been anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be. [color=82ca9d]"Sign me up then, I suppose. You'll need to give me directions to this [i]'Quills and Quivers'[/i] though, never even heard of the place."[/color] He said, almost joyfully.