[b]"I think you would look splendid. Perhaps you could rub some virgin blood on your face while you're at it? Give you more of a primitive look?"[/b] [color=fff79a]"Good luck finding a virgin these days, Remind me to get your 'once bitten' for movie night next week."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"So, uh, what is this club actually about? It says here you play laser tag and all that, which sounds great and all, but I'm not sure I'd be up for it every night, to be honest."[/color] [b]"The Night Garden participates in all sorts of events. We meet up at the Quills & Quivers most nights. We have study nights, movie nights, go to concerts, and even try to make a trip somewhere at least once a year--paid for in full by the club, of course. My name is Afina, the president of the club."[/b] He let her do the talking and waited for a breath to fill in the gaps. She may be the president and senior of staff, but sometimes she missed a beat when connecting with people. He waited for them to shake hands before he offers his hand in greeting as well. [color=fff79a]"Part of the clubs mission is to provide a group people can come to at any hour to not be alone, we do activities all the time to keep people from falling into gangs and drugs and stuff like that. Lots of people here are out of town or out of state for the first time, holidays and familiar nights can get depressing when you are all by yourself while still surrounded. Leo, I'm on the football team, the club helps support the 'Friday Night Lights' by taking up a bench row at home games."[/color]