[@Major Ursa][@Teddiplier][@knighthawk] Afina nodded towards Leo and gave him an appreciative smile, her eyes changing to a calm blue, [b]"You took the words right out of my mouth, Leo."[/b] She said this quietly before noticing the demon playing with a cherry in his mouth. Part of her wanted to scream at him and tell him to stop acting so foolishly in front of the humans, but she appeared to be cool and collected as normal. [b]"You seem to have an apatite for sweets, perhaps you could teach us how to make them? Your apron tells me that you're a baker of some sort."[/b] Inwardly, she slapped herself for being as quick as she was. She'd forgotten that most humans ask each other what kind of jobs they had rather than simply picking up every other detail from their personality and appearance. Then Arte appeared and saved her. She was grateful that the friendly Midstark was able to bring the situation back in hand, as Afina was terrible at keeping up conversations. [b]"She's the one that makes sure all of our accounts are able to get us to the concerts and the like."[/b] [i]'Why do I always have to state the obvious...?'[/i] She wanted to shrivel up and pretend that today had never happened already, and it was only eleven in the morning. [i]'Why do I have to deal with so many humans...'[/i] Then the demon introduced himself as Aram and asked if contact information was necessary. She nodded and held out the sheet toward him, [b]"Yes, we would prefer to be able to contact you in case you miss a meeting or if something... comes up."[/b]