[hider=Mandisa] [center] [color=gold] [h2] [b]Adiel, The Goddess of Fortune and the Desert[/b] [/h2] [/color] [b]Indirect or Direct:[/b] Adiel directly rules her population as their leader. [b]Appearance:[/b] Adiel almost always takes the form of a rather young and beautiful girl. She is always dressed in some of Mandisa's fine silk dresses. Adiel has been known to prefer wearing bright and vibrant colors to show herself off. Her skin color is that of a Mandisan, slightly tanned from the desert sun. In spirit of her avarice and self indulgence, her hair and eyes are a light blue [b]Personality:[/b] Adiel fancies herself the center of the world. This is most likely because of her high status among her people. She is quite generous to those she is close to, but she can also be very greedy at times, which is seen in her constant production of massive monuments. Adiel can be quite childish at times since she has had a life of pampering ever since her creation of the Holy Nation of Mandisa. She has been known among the other gods to be a charmer, always using flattery to her advantage. [color=gold] [h2] [b]The Holy Nation Of Mandisa[/b] [/h2] [/color] [b]Population:[/b] 284,420 [b]Denizen description:[/b] The Denizens of Mandisa are accustomed to their habitat. The warmth of their deserts is welcoming, allowing most of them to move about the heat without being inhibited, but should Mandisan forces be moved into a colder environment, they would struggle greatly. Mandisans are very liberal people living luxurious lives in their cities. They rely mainly on agriculture of their rivers and flood plains due to the fact that animals are held highly in Mandisan culture. Trade is also quite popular around Mandisa, making them a great nation to trade with due to their prosperity. [b]Lands:[/b] Mandisan lands are a mixture of wind stricken deserts and luscious savannas. The Mandisans survive primarily off of the agriculture that surrounds their rivers, but their northern lands are stricken with poverty and rely on trade with the southern oases. [hider=Location] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DXvWJAZ.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CCg5Q3X.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Flag:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/A0jJtYg.jpg[/img] [b]War Flag:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lu5ImDA.jpg[/img] [b]Government description:[/b] The government of Mandisa is almost entirely lead by Adiel. She acts as a cultural leader who makes the nation's decisions with the assistance of a council of proxies. She guides the nation in military, religious, and economic decisions. Mandisa is very religious, causing its citizens to focus primarily on worship. [b]Military:[/b] The Royal Mandisan Guard focus on quality over quantity with only a very small portion of their population serving as Adiel's elite few. The non-major cities are run primarily by low ranking Royal Guards who command small militias, but major Mandisan cities are filled with guards ready to mobilize. It is even said that the Royal Guard have an entire group dedicated to remaining undercover and rooting out plots among Mandisan streets. Due to the small numbers of the Mandisan Royal Guard, they are able to maintain a great military training program, but this leaves their militia rather weak. Mandisan Royal Guards are well known for their [url=http://i.imgur.com/cTE2KcH.jpg]ornate bronze armors[/url] and especially for their [url=http://i.imgur.com/DDmBBpm.jpg]leather masks[/url], seemingly made to keep the sand out of their faces during battle. The Royal Guards are trained to wield a few different weapons, from [url=http://i.imgur.com/hRp9eyQ.jpg]Glaive[/url] and [url=http://i.imgur.com/hRp9eyQ.jpg]shield[/url], to the simple [url=http://www.iadaa.org/sites/default/files/15313_rv.jpeg]sword[/url] or [url=http://www.geevor.com/media/images/Rocks%20and%20Metals/copper-%20bronze%20sword.JPG]dagger[/url]. All Mandisan ranged military power comes from either primitive slings or strong siege weaponry. [b]Culture:[/b] Mandisans would be considered very liberal while still being very cultural and religious. Luxury is something for everyone in Mandisa and the Mandisans thank Adiel for that through great rituals, sacrifice, and service. Adiel is their main deity of worship, but she also has taught her people about the worship of the desert. She holds her lands in high regard as if it is an extension of her godhood, and it is held with reverence as such. The animals of the desert are also held with great reverence, like the desert itself. This is speculated to be because of how much Adiel cares about the lands she has created. The Mandisans have many traditions practiced in worship of Adiel. As their leader is the Goddess of Fortune, the Mandisans find themselves to be great monument builders, making their cities full of wondrous buildings and structures. The most notable is the palace in which Adiel lives when she is not in Illyus. This ornate structure is used for important banquets as well as political meetings and offices. [/center] [/hider] I plan to expand a bit later. In the mean time, I have a few questions. 1. What abilities do the gods and goddesses actually have that humans do not? 2. [quote]These ten are strong against mages, but are mortal.[/quote] [quote]Magic is passed generation to generation.[/quote] Does this mean Direct gods are allowed ten heroes for the entire RP? Or when one hero dies, can he eventually be replaced by another? I think that would make sense considering mages are always in supply throughout the years. 3. [quote]These warriors can be gifted divine weapons, made of mythical substances.[/quote] What sort of divine weapons can these be? Can they have magical power or simply be super strong?