What Ob said. Tri is pretty fucking good, but some story elements aggravate me. I get why Tai has his change in attitude, and I applaud the writers for having reality ensue after giant monsters fight in downtown Tokyo, but it's still aggravating. Also Joe continues to be fucking useless. Izzy/Koushirou and Mimi ship is the best fucking shit though. Mimi a best. Kuwagamon didn't job for once, which is appreciated. And for the third and possibly last time in the Digimon franchise, Omegamon wasn't a gigantic jobber and/or useless. (Previous two instances were Our War Game and X-Evolution. Revenge of Diaboromon/Diablomon doesn't count, since he jobs anyway.) Watching flashes of the 02 crew getting murked in the first five minutes was great too. 7.5/10 overall, because the Tai and Joe issues are really fucking annoying. Also because the animation is massively shit-tier in places.