[quote=@Gilgex] [@Turboshitter] So I'm curious about something. Shouldn't your equipment change your stats? Or at least let their be the base stats, and then the bonuses be in another column alongside them, then the grand total? That way one knows what it decreases to when certain ailment spells or skills are in play? I don't know... Just something I thought of because of the whole being a MMORPG & D&D player. [/quote] Whew! Ummmm... well, the stats sheet is just your average, unmodified stats. Since this isn't a heavily numbers oriented game, you can just say "this item increases this stat" and that'll do just fine. No need to constantly alter the stat sheet. Also, today I sort of took off as a relaxation day because I finished my fourth and final interview of the week. Now today I'm going to work on catching up on all the things I shirked off yesterday, and hopefully the guild info and accepting more character sheets will be some of those things ^^'