[color=fff200]"You should should respect to your commanding officer you two."[/color] Kotaro said flatly to all of his recently entered companions as Xerxes moved his hand into the air and stopped him from saying anything else. He needed no infighting between his subordinates. [color=fff200]"Do I really look that old too you? I'm only forty one you know that's hardly anything worth calling old. All the same I do not expect yo1b1464u to call me master or my lord and I am not any of those things nobles like to cling too. Refer to me as you wish as long as it doesn't cross the line."[/color] Xerxes said calmly as he reached out to a scroll on his desk and pulled it out to it's full length. [color=1b1464]"I suppose I should not go to pleasantries to extend our time together. After all between all of you Nako is the only one I suspect would even bother with those. We've got a collection of missions we need to get done. As of now Esdeath's Death Squad is in fact dead. Sources inside the Imperial Court also inform me the Imperial Army is getting ready to attack Night Raid. Our contacts inside of the Revolutionary Army have no news for us regarding their current state at the moment. So we're going to need to get clever."[/color] Xerxes said as he got up and walked over to a map that was put up on the wall of The Empire and it's border states. [color=00aeef]"Really we should be striking out as much as possible eliminating as many enemies without drawing suspicion to the idea of there being another group besides Night Raid. Of course Night Raid has declared that some assassinations were not theirs but the idiot minister doesn't believe them. There are some who suspect us still so caution but bold caution is required. Or am I wrong?"[/color] Natsuo asked as he looked at the map. Xerxes was putting up flags on the map a couple were around the capital. Another was up a bit further north. Some where nearby. And others were spread around seemingly at random. [color=fff200]"We need to get the job done as efficiently as possible if we draw notice to us so be it. But people or animals need to die for us to move forward or our allies. Once the revolution starts it won't be for the people and it won't be glorious. It will be something brutal and something nasty. So while we should proceed with caution as Natsuo says I believe we should be bolder and get rid of our bigger enemies while still keeping up the shroud of working for Night Raid."[/color] Kotaro said as Xerxes finally spoke up. [color=1b1464]"Take either approach we can afford to lose some of our secrecy but we can't afford to be too ambitious. Kotaro has the jest of it but for the moment let me explain what I'm sending you out too do today. I will allow you to pick the missions you desire today as I have our secondary outpost taking on another series of missions of their own. The first mission I must inform you of is one at the capital."[/color] Xerxes said as he tapped the Imperial Capital with his middle finger. [color=1b1464]"First off though I'd like to say before starting you can volunteer to join any of these missions. If you don't volunteer I will assign you one. So one of our targets is a whoring bastard named Daiki Asuka. He is a financial and political supporter of the minister. He is in the way of one of our supporters and he erodes our support at court. Once he is out of the way one of our friends will be able to advance further in the ranks hopefully. He is the son of former minister of internal affairs as well so he will be well guarded. He is hosting a decadent party that will host some other targets as well though they're optional. I will inform the people who are going there of the other targets. Daiki is a lover of women, drink, and he loves too draw art. He will be easy to take out once you get his attention. Getting into the party should be easy once you get to the capital. Our women should be easily able to get in one they catch his eye or one of his staff's. The males here could either hire themselves off as a body guard by applying as a mercenary at their front door though that'd probably won't work. Another option is to sneak in but that's dangerous. It may be possible to hire yourself on as the guard of a guest but that could be problematic. Above all you SHOULD NOT reveal your identity and hide yourself as much as possible. I don't need your faces on wanted posters."[/color] Xerxes said as he moved onto the one in the mountains. [color=1b1464]"Reports say that a group of men supporting the Revolution have gathered in this old abandoned fort here. They will be threats for numerous reasons though their goal is to attack one of the empire's bases. The problem about that being it is commanded by one of our supporters. We will need to eliminate them and make it look like a bandit attack. Simple: Kill everyone. Leave no one alive. There's about forty of them there and they are commanded by a rather experienced ex-imperial officer named Kai. He was known as The Man of One Thousand Axes. He has no imperial arms though he has been known to be able to match some of the empire's finest in combat. There's a back entrance to the fort. A back entrance that leads into an escape tunnel leading into the fort. Or you could go through the gates and do it that way. Just be efficient. I have no other advice on the matter."[/color] Xerxes said as he moved onto the one nearby. [color=1b1464]"Danger Beasts are making the roads unsafe for our caravans and merchants. We need to secure supply to our fort and keep the road safe. The Empire has turned a blind eye to it and we need to deal with it as soon as possible. I'd say it's probably a clan of A/B Class danger beasts. Dangerous but any of you should be able to handle it. Kotaro will be going on this mission by default. I doubt anyone of you has his tracking skills. What else do I need to say on the matter? Just get rid of them and if you find anything useful bring it back otherwise just come back alive."[/color] Xerxes said as he looked back to his group now and then breathed in slowly. [color=1b1464]"I have other missions but I will wait to see if you can get these done first. The ones who will probably get done first is the danger beast group. Once they're done, if they get done, I will send them on another mission. Depending on how the others fair in their jobs then I will send them off on other missions as well. Any questions? I'm sure I left something out that at least one of you is worried about."[/color]