Hey guys it's been so quiet on here that I decided to post to talk about some of the reasons we've kinda got high expectations. Once upon a time there was an RP just like this one. We got two arcs in but most players abandoned it. We tried again, but it failed even sooner. The guy who wrote all of this was just so defeated. He wrote like, the entire thing. Here's the other thing: KHR is known for one thing, and that's characterization. So us being harsh just is us wanting to know that everyone's characters are gonna have points where they grow and become cool and all that jazz. Think of it as tough love for your characters. We love them so much we want to make sure you keep coming back to write posts for them so those posts aren't a chore! Plus, the guy who wrote this has so much feeling wrapped up in this that he had to step back. Like seriously guys it crushed him when this failed the first time and I can see why. The story was so pretty and beautiful that it had me crushed when he told me it after we decided to abandon the idea. Now we're reviving it and we just want it to go all the way to the end. I hope you guys get kind of why we want the best for this RP, and why we're pushing so hard for great sheets and characters, because we all love it so much and a lot of nostalgia is involved. Personally, the old RP got me into KHR to begin with, so I'd also like this to go all the way. So what do you guys say, are we all in this to the bitter end?