"AHHHHHHHHHHHHG!!!" Cyro screamed as the large behemoth stood before him. His expression shocked by his loud entrance. His appearance didn't help at all, but only added fear to the already scared shitless Cyromancer. His language was broken, and Cyro had to run the sentence over and over again in his head to understand what the man had asked. It appears he was in no state of trouble, and had nothing against him, but something still lingered in the back of his head, something that told him that this man's jolly nature was a mask, and behind it was a stone cold killer. Cyro decided to play along. "Ah, yes! This is one of the finest forests in all of Japan! People come here from the local villages to walk it! It's really beautiful and provides great exercise. Not to mention it's always below 45 degrees here!" Cyro said with a jolly deep tone, in an attempt to mimic the giant of a man.