Jorwen’s brows went up at the mention of battles in Hammerfell. He hadn’t taken the elf for the type to leap into the fray, soldier or no. At the mention of youth, a soft chuckle squeezed past his smiling lips, “Weren’t we all, eh, young and foolish?” Thoughts bringing him to battles long past, fires long past and different men sitting where Keegan was and more around a fire just like this, all long past. He ever so slightly shook his head and regained his smile before he nodded at Keegan’s reminder of Daelin and the dark work coming, “Reckon we should go.” And he stretched a hand away from the fire for Keegan to lead the way. As they walked, Keegan pointed out Dumhuvud doing his usual rounds, this time to a petite girl that looked like she had no place in this camp. He was about to bring himself over there and let Dumhuvud know where to stick his axe next and ask where in the hells the girl’s parents were before he saw Sevine there. The Wolf-Tooth wasn’t a woman to take lightly. He found himself smiling at how anger was slowly creeping across Sevine’s face after Dumhuvud had pushed past her. He figured he should at least keep Dumhuvud from getting killed, no matter how much he hated the man. “I’ll be along with you. I won’t be long.” He said, walking to the verbal melee.