[color=ec008c]"If this irritated you, old man, I can stop... but then, what would I call you?"[/color] Apophis said, when Xerxes seemed to get enervated by her way of calling, even though she has done so for as much time as she has been with Salvation. However, she remained quiet, as Xerxes explained the tasks that he needed to be taken care off. Only after he was done with with his speech, that Apophis raised her left hand, pointing to the mark over the Imperial Capital [color=ec008c]"I want to go to the capital, but I have never been there on my own, so I was thinking if Sol or Sayu would like to come with me? The old man said that it'll be easier if we go on this one, after all."[/color] After expressing her interest, Apophis fell silent again, waiting for her... companions' answer while licking her fingertips as usual.