Aoba looked at Dani when attention was turned to him. It was rather obvious he didn’t want to go home- then again, he wasn’t making it very subtle at all. The fallen angel stayed quiet throughout most of that altercation, having little to say about it. He did glance over at Kyou who was quietly sitting, with his gaze on the ground occasionally glancing at the angel and family. He dug a nail into the ground every so often until his gaze met Aoba’s. Kyou gave a weak smile to show he was okay and Aoba quietly nodded and turned his attention to the ones moving Kuro. He offered his assistance where it was needed, only for Kuro to fall in his lap. Aoba made a small “Oh” noise. At first he kept his hands off of Kuro, more so out of surprise and mild embarrassment as Kuro buried his face in his midsection. Being ticklish, he tried his best not to move too much when Kuro spoke against his skin. He also had an ‘inevitable’ feeling that if Kuro found out, he’d probably use that to his advantage. The thought made him laugh softly as he gently petted Kuro’s head like the cat he was acting like. “Well you can’t bathe if you’re laying on my lap.” Remembering that there were four pairs of eyes on him, Aoba blushed faintly. He couldn’t possibly bathe with all of them still around. He looked down at Kuro with an expression that said just that. Fortunately, he realized Issho was stealing Dani away from the barn which meant that two of the four would be gone. But what about Homura and Kyou? Aoba was sure Kyou could easily be sent away with a look and a growl, probably even left in the house or barn. But that left them with Homura. Blind as he was, Homura was still rather curious about examining Aoba. That. . .wasn’t something he wanted, especially when he was just trying to get clean. Hopefully Kuro had an idea for that, or Issho would be a ‘loving’ older brother and take Homura too. Looking up at the sky, he realized the sun was starting to set as well. Where had the day gone? Aoba remembered his morning starting off as another dull day filled with charities and prayers to Kuro saving him and now...he was back home. The dull day definitely turned into an exciting one. Aoba gently patted Kuro’s cheek, letting him know that they were probably going to have to move some time soon, unless he wanted to lay on the ground all night. And while hard surfaces were okay to him, they were uncomfortable to the angel. When Aoba made eye contact with Issho again, he realized his fear for the eldest brother did die down considerably, but the demon still intimidated him to know end. Sure he knew he was safe from harm, but Issho was still scary. His gaze once more falls onto Homura’s work and without thinking he speaks. “You’ll tire yourself out from overworking you know. You did a really good job.”