[right][h3][color=98FB98]CASEY HARPER[/color][/H3][/RIGHT] Casey nearly swore out loud when Mrs Brown announced the title of this year’s production. Luckily the faerie managed to recollect himself before he did so, but the reveal did cause quite a stir both inside his head, as well as among the rest of his classmates. Honestly, Casey couldn’t care less about whether or not this new play was written by William Shakespeare, or even by that idiotic Donald Trump. Actually, if it had been written by Trump, Casey would’ve just left. No, what Casey was really annoyed about was that now he had gone and bought a copy of Macbeth for nothing! That book had been expensive! Especially since he had decided to go all out and get it in Hardback. That was $30 he was never getting back. That could have been, what? Like five or six peppermint mochas? Talk about ridiculous! With a melodramatic sigh, Casey pushed the book feebly off of his desk and into his bag, before taking a look at the new book which Miss Brown placed in front of him. At long last, a smile stretched across Casey’s face as he instantly recognised the character displayed on the cover! Dark Vader. No... Darth Vader. Yes, that was it. Sure Casey had never seen the films, due to them being from before his time, but he knew that they were popular. Thinking about it, the films being from before his time probably wasn’t much of an excuse, especially due to his love for Nick, Joe, and Kevin. Either way, he had yet to see the films. They were set in space right? In the future? Casey had to admit that it would be an interesting comparison in regards to the usual performances the school held, where they put on tales from long ago and in places far, far away from the nature of this modern world. Casey was seriously starting to around to this idea. The character on the cover; Darth Vader, looked to be someone with seriously odd fashion senses. Something Casey could get behind. Casey was about to dive right into the wonderful world of Star Wars, when someone beginning to speak to him caught his attention. The green haired teen removed his eyes from the page and turned to look at his neighbour. Tanya was beautiful, a talented musician, and could even turn into a bird woman. To put it straight, the young woman had everything going for her in life. Casey smiled at her as she spoke. Her accent was cute. Foreign? Casey honestly couldn’t place where it was from. That wasn’t all that surprising. Casey’s geographical knowledge of this realm wasn’t all that great. Before she could finish speaking however, a call from the back of the room caused the two of them to turn their heads. Mari was calling them over. That was certainly a surprise. Casey had never spoken to her much. Well physically anyway. Oh Casey had imagined having numerous conversations with her, with him having thought up a number of flirtatious remarks in regards to her beauty. Those remarks however were perfectly fine staying firmly in his head. He’d seen what had happened to her friend Freddie when he had made a comment about her in the past. The faerie smiled at Tanya as she spoke once more as she too invited him to join them. “Well, it certainly beats sitting here by myself!” He gave returned her smile, before following her across the room and towards his new reading group. It would seem that not everyone in the class was a fan of Miss Brown’s choice of literature. That was certainly the case for Freddie, whose angry face was the first thing Casey noticed as he took his seat. The second thing was the lightning, which cracked loudly overhead like gun fire. The faerie watched in amazement as the British teenager rose to his feet, before reciting what could only be the kid’s favourite passage in Macbeth. Casey grinned from ear to ear. Even he couldn’t have opposed a teacher in such a dramatic and beautifully executed way. This guy… He had style. And balls. This guy certainly had balls. He watched in glee as Freddie made his way towards the door, before turning back towards them at the table and seemingly summoning Mari to join him. Was the dream team breaking up so soon? As soon as Freddie departed, dispelling the fog he had created as he did so, the room was met with silence as Miss Brown and the rest of the class seemed to be trying to process whatever had just occurred. Casey however, now bored at the lack of chaos, opened his book and turned to the first page. “So, should we start with Act 1?” He asked cooly, glancing up at Tanya and Mari as if nothing had happened.