[quote=@Xan the G] Username: Xan the G Name: Alexander "Volt" Voltare Age: 19 Gender: Male Country of Origin: England Role: ...CEDEF, maybe? Flame: Lightning Weapon/Fighting Style: Truncheon & Riot Shield Appearance: [hider=Now][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/34c2/i/2015/125/8/c/riot_gear_by_tazi_san-d1hh424.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=10 Years][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/05ba/i/2009/239/a/5/sci_fi_cop_by_mohzart.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Volt is generally nonchalant, nonplussed and cavalier in character. Volt is passive, the kind to naturally roll with the punches. He can be surprised, but usually isn't for long, being unusually open-minded and accepting of change or new things. Typically, Volt will respond with sarcasm or a joking remark to reset the tone. Volt is sardonic and comically witty when he talks, typically making a gag, joke or a humorous bit out of any given opportunity when there is opportunity to do so. He's a rather open person willing to start a rapport with just about anyone; friend, foe and even complete stranger. Volt is a team player and gets fairly competitive when a part of or representing a team. Even when he's simply watching, he will become cheerleader or heckler. Volt typically holds himself to too high a standard under these conditions. No matter how small or irrelevant his role might be Volt will refuse to let his team down or fail them, even at risk to his life, even when he's being cheated and is fully aware of it. History: Volt grew up with a sense of pride & belonging being the most fundamental parts of his life. As an only child, Volt's parents constantly fostered orphaned children. Volt became a hall monitor in school in order to help watch over the weak, but soon had to give up the position when Volt would pick fights with bullies and even ended up making his own "anti-gang" in school to contend with bullies. Volt enrolled into the police academy, hoping to someday become chief of police and change the way the force looks after the people but in the meantime, Volt sneaks away to be a vigilante on the streets. Quirk: Volt is left handed and naturally rolls up his left sleeve when he thinks something is getting serious and will pull it back down when he feels he has it under control. Overview: Volt is a police academy cadet trying to make the world a better place within the law, but also doing what he can in his own time by other means when necessary. He is a protector in-training who has a desire to protect those who can't protect themselves, even if he's not in a better position to do so. [/quote] Hi there, I'm RainDash and I'm in charge of sheets, apparently. Here we go. Ambra said no on CDEF. Not sure if she said it here too, but I'm just going to say no CDEF. No. Same with guardians from other mafias. Mostly a plot thing, mostly a splitting the party thing. A Truncheon & Riot Shield? Uhm, not sure how that works but go nuts, I guess. My problem is more how to integrate a flame into that. Please, please look at the accepted sheets. You'll notice how they actually make a description for the character if the image isn't enough. Also, those just do not even show what your character looks like unless he wears that stuff literally all the time. Even in the shower. Looking at your personality, you say he's passive, but is competitive and suddenly active. I mean, I guess that works but nothing else about this personality allows for character growth or if it appears that he has some flaws outside of loyalty. I'm also not sure I understand this character from reading the personality section. How is he with CDEF when he's in the police academy. Being in the mafia is illegal, last I checked. Very illegal. Your history looks... I'm gonna say it kinda looks like you copy and pasted it from a sheet about a police officer character. I don't see it as a history for what you've put down. Sorry, but I'm gonna need a bit more effort put into this sheet before I look at it again. Please look at the accepted sheets and try again if you want. We're high-casual here, not really low-casual, as you sheet seems to suggest.