[center][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/sd1vo6.png[/img] [hr][b][u][color=a28e90]Location:[/color][/u][/b] [i]Constance Billard Main Office > Assembly [/i] [b][u][color=a28e90]Interacting With:[/color][/u][/b] [i]Everett via text and in person [@AcerRo][/i] [hr][/center] It wasn't too long until the paperwork had been finished and placed upon the desk with another smile towards the woman behind the desk. [b]"All done there?"[/b] the young woman replied, grabbing the paper and beginning to type the information into the computer system. [color=a28e90][i]"Yep, all done. Thanks again!"[/i][/color] Franchesca chirped to her, picking up her backpack and placing it over her back. She was still quite embarrassed by the thought of being the only one at the entire school with a large, over filled backpack on the first day. No, not even the first day- the orientation. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, the faint sound of the keyboard tapping behind her. Walking towards the assembly Franki could feel her cellphone vibrating signaling a text from the depths of her bag. She took it off promptly in the hallway and placed it on the ground. Squatting down above it she unzipped the bag and searched around for the device behind some notebooks and folders. Reading the front of the screen she saw it was from Everett. She picked the phone up in her left hand and slid the lock screen with her slender right handed pointer finger. Her dark almond eyes scanned across the text: [quote][b]Let me know when you get to bullard. You can sit us during the assembly.[/b][/quote] Franki began sliding her finger across the swype keyboard as she replied hastily. She didn't want to think her only friend here to think that he was being ignored. Everett really was her only friend here since she had moved to the upper east side. She had a lot of friends back home in the Bronx, but they lived a different lifestyle than her now, and she had often felt ostracized for this. She didn't think she had changed much, but, they had thought she did. [quote]To: Everett From: Franki [color=a28e90][i]"Don't you mean Billard? LOL! I'm here. Had to fill out some crap. TTYS :rolleyes"[/i][/color][/quote] She sent the text, and filed quickly into the auditorium. Getting on her tip toes to see around and above some of the more vertically established members of the school. She quickly spotted Everett in the crowd wearing his football jersey and a smug grin. [color=a28e90][i]"What is that boy thinking.."[/i][/color] Franchesca thought to herself as she strolled over to him on the bleachers. Her hand clenched into a fist as it found place at her hip, giving a small chuckle she spoke to him, [color=a28e90][i]"You're lucky I wasn't lost in the building or your ass would have been sitting here, smiling away while I was out there dying!"[/i][/color] she teased, taking off her backpack as soon as possible and placing it up on the bleachers to be hidden from most of the eyes of her classmates. It was bad enough she had to walk across the room with it on, she didn't need to be wearing it during the whole assembly. Climbing up the few steps, Franki took a seat next to Everett to catch up on things, and possibly meet the friends and girlfriend he had been going on about for the last few times they had met for dinner.