[@Mad Scarlet] [@Skai] Tyler woke up to the sound of his alarm rattling off the bare walls of his small room, the cramped quarters echoing the sound to an almost uncomfortable level. His hand shout out and gently tapped the snooze button three times, silencing the alarm until the next day. He rose quickly and began to stretch out the tension and stiffness in his muscles, letting out a small sigh of relief as he felt the simple motions dislodge the soreness in his limbs. Turning his head, he looked out at the color coordinated calendar that served as his only decoration on the walls. The first week was highly structured with classes and studying period set aside with a small check next to each completed task. However, on this day, besides the normal colors of red, green, and blue, the sight of yellow dominated the morning. The words "Club Fair" were clearly written and underlined so there would be not doubt as to the importance of the day's event. His heart responded with a low and powerful pulse that resounded through his body, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to arise ever so slightly. He dropped down to check under his bed, but seemed to think the better of it. Instead he opened his dresser filled with a large quantity of clothing, all of excellent quality and spotless. He selected a simple pair of blue running shorts and a sweat absorbent shirt that had a been a present from the track coach at his high school. The sound of a gentle tick drew his eyes to the clock on his desk. If he left directly after his morning routine, he should have plenty of time to make it to the club fair and back before his classes. Soon after, Tyler left the humble building he slept in, and tried to outrun the first rays of dawn sneaking their way across the world. - By the time he had finished his overly complex and long route to the school, the sun had fully emerged into the sky sending warm waves down to gently heat its surface. The sound of voices overlapped one another as he slowed to a walking pace at the entrance to the fair. Tyler offered up warm smiles and greetings to those who knew him, though the smiles never quite reached all the way to his eyes which were scanning every booth reading every detail that he could. He had just finished looking over the photography club, when he spotted a large cluster of students blocking his view of the next one down. A voice filled with a flustered panic just under the surface loudly called out that they could meet tomorrow evening. However, to Tyler at any rate, some of the student he could see seemed strange. One of the faces he could make out sitting inside the booth had teeth not flat, but all edged. Another, a tall black haired student had set down some paper along with some lollipops that he did not think he had seen him holding before or pull out from a pocket. He shifted a few steps forward and saw the sign, "The Night Garden." He took a step forward, but it seemed that one of the photography students was setting up for a shot. [color=f26522]"Excuse me,"[/color] he gave a friendly smile and waited for her to finish her shot. When she was done, he walked around the other student blocking the way and examined a flyer laid out on the table. He flicked his eyes up to, he presumed, the owner of the flustered voice. His eyes lingered a moment on her red hair, before coolly stating, [color=f26522]"I will be joining your club. Here is my contact information."[/color] His tone rang with finality that seemed to brook no further need for discussion on the matter outside of an acknowledgement. At the same time, he slid a high quality business card across the table.