[center][b]Colonial Powers[/b][/center] [u]Live Nation Statuses[/u] [hider=The City-State of Bennipolis] Army: 4,000 Veterans 12,000 Regulars 3,000 Recruits 500 Knights Navy: 3 Frigates 10 Schooners 12 Sloops 15 Brigs GDP: 21,500,000,000 ($) Stability: Stable[/hider] [hider=The Kingdom of Aznavor] Army: 20,000 Regulars 25,000 Recruits Navy: 1 Frigate (+1) 8 Schooners (+3) 10 Sloops (+2) 5 Brigs (+10) GDP: 35,950,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider= Democratic People's Republic of Konzia] Army: 57,000 Regulars 70,000 Recruits Navy: 1 Frigate 8 Schooners 5 Sloops 4 Brig GDP: 39,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Corleonn-Warrus-Grudden-Nollin Alliance] Army: 21,000 Regulars 15,000 Recruits Navy: 3 Ships of Line 1 Frigate 5 Schooners 7 Sloops 1 Brig GDP: 42,995,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Unstable[/hider] [hider=Kamalao Republi] Army: 65,000 Regulars 70,000 Recruits Navy: 5 Frigates 8 Schooners 10 Sloops 3 Brigs GDP: 51,500,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable[/hider] [hider=The United Imperium of Valm] Army: 25,000 Veterans 51,000 Regulars 79,000 Recruits 5,000 Conscripts Navy: NA GDP: 40,500,000,000 ($) Stability: Stable[/hider] [hider=Lascaux] Army: Veteran: 15,000 Regular: 50,000 Recruit: 50,000 Navy: NA GDP: 30,500,000,000 ($) Stability: Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Councilate of Arbasses] Army: 500 Veterans 24,950 Regulars 20,000 Recruits Navy: 6 Ships of Line (+5) 2 Frigates (+3) 8 Schooners (+7) 11 Sloops (+2) 3 Brigs GDP: 18,800,00,000 ($) Stability: Unstable[/hider] [hider=The Sofon Dominion] Army: 5,000 Veterans 10,000 Regulars 20,000 Recruits Navy: NA GDP: 38,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider=The People’s Republic of Dont] Army: 50,000 regulars 70,000 Recruits Navy: 1 Frigate 3 Schooners 1 Sloop 5 Brigs GDP: -5,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Unstable[/hider] [hider=Terheridon] Army: 500 Knights 25,000 Footmen 60,000 Recruits Navy: 15 Galleons GDP: 51,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider] [hider=Empire of the Khan] Army: Samurai: 500 Spearmen: 50,000 Swordsmen: 50,000 Repeating Crossbowmen: 70,000 Navy: Fire Siphon Ships: 3 Ballista Ship: 15 Bombard: 7 GDP: 90,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Very Stable[/hider]