[quote=@Ploxerdon] I wouldn't have a single problem with creating a new genjutus/bloodline based around genjutsu, its more like I don't feel spending 1-2 hours on a proper character, just to end up not being able to join due to the limited slots situation :') [/quote] Genjutsu just like Telekinesis and Mind Magic in an RP all share one very specific flaw. They cannot be "dodged". It is incredibly hard to play a character which targets the minds of others. Roleplaying Genjutsu is a chore to write and go up against, and also remember that even though the characters in this RP are supposed to be above average, they are still genin. Low level Genjutsu doesn't do much against most enemies we would face and high level Genjutsu are a complete hit or miss. Either they kill your brain, or your enemy sees through them. It is an incredibly static way of fighting, which is why the Sharingan has -so many abilities-. The Byakugan actually makes sense, it is a visual jutsu which works like a filter that helps the user see things that are otherwise hidden. The sharingan is all over the place. Playing a genjutsu character would get dull for you very fast since almost every single "Mind magic" technique is always "Plot No Jutsu". You look at your enemy, they go ape shit, you walk away. It's not the most satisfying situation. Also, genjutsu is rather cheap overall. You clash blades with your enemy, it doesn't work...so you look at them very intently and they fall over. Role playing Genjutsu takes [i]a lot[/i] of skill to manage properly.