Levi looked down on his dusty watch once again before letting out a sigh. It seems his bodyguard didn't arrive. It's a shame but he has to go on. His quest is far more important than one man. He looked down at the bodyguard and the waitress, with a sorry face. [color=yellow] "Now what are you all waiting for! Hop on up! This ship ain't waiting for no more! Unless you want to end up like Grimshaw, you better hustle your sorry asses on board!" [/color] He stepped aside to let the two come aboard and watched them go by to the mess hall. He pulled the lever on the side, and the contraption closed the ramp and released the ship from he docks. The ship slowly started to drift inwards the canyon into the scorching sun. It was a hot day, and he hoped that this could help boil the water faster, and get them started as soon as possible. He went back to his cabin for another mug of coffe. He was more bitter than evrage, he didn't sleep properly after the excursion to the scrapyard. He hoped that the crew wouldn't notice. Althought the ol chum might do. He has an eye for these things. Whenever he has a problem that old rustbucket knows. He shook at the thought and moved onwards. He checked a clipboard he had on his desk that was full with the daily tasks. - Welcome crew - Introduce Rusttorch - Eat a proper meal finally - Start crew training He tried to take another sip from his coffee but it seemed the the mug emptied quite fast. With a saddened look over the coffe plant on the shelf he made another note - Get more coffee plants With that done, he was about to introduce the crew to the ship, but he heard high pitched noises from above. The engine bay. He shook his head once again. That ol rustbucket got himself in trouble. He threw his jacket on the desk and exited the cockpit. He rushed past the mess hall and quickly explained [color=yellow] "I have some matters to attend above. You wait here till I get Imogen! Make yourselves comfortable!" [/color] He frowned and continued towards the engine bay with huge steps. He climbed the access ladder and entered the engine bay right behind Imogen. The girl jumped as he appeared, and he rushed past her. He went straight for his companion. He grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him up. With a fierce look he let go of the old man [color=yellow] "Rust! This is your new partner in the engine bay. So treat her well. But we have others who also came. You just make sure to smile when I introduce you, and everything will be fine. It won't take long! Just come down as soon as you finished cleaning up the mess here!" [/color] He dusted himself and turned to Imogen [color=yellow] "Please execuse me and Rust for the mess. This won't happen again. I will tell you all the details, but please come with me now. I want to properly introduce myself and the crew." [/color] He hopped down the ladder and helped the girl. With an increasingly troubled face, they entered the mess hall. The room wasn't big by any means, but it could fit a few person. Directly opposite the door was a large sofa. To the right there was a small kitchen table, and to the left there was some shelves filled with books in all assortments. Most faded, but a few still had vivid colors. He closed the door and cleared his throat. The room fell silent of all noise, only the gentle howl of the wind could be heard. [color=yellow] "Lads and gents! I think we haven't properly introduced ourselves to each other. You know that I am Captain Levi, and that is all you need to know about me as your captain. Just make sure you call me Captain unless I tell you that you can call me Levi. Just to make sure, we won't have any problems until you follow 3 simple rules. One: Always be in your crew quarters after 2200 hours. I mean 10 PM. That doesn't apply if you have any task I gave. Rule 2: If you damage anything on the ship for any reason, you will pay the cost. That doesn't apply to certain incidents. Rule 3: Don't go rouge! If you want to mod anything or do anything that isn't your job, ask me, or anyone who is responsible for the thing you want to change. This also applies to the kitchen and meals. This is all, and I am hoping such things as obeying rules and not killing the others are basic. Now it is your turn to introduce. Don't worry I don't bite." [/color] He knew this sounded funny. His small appearance made this quote look like a childs joke. Anything for the crew.