[center][h2] [color=ed1c24]The Xian Clique [/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/United_Republic_of_China_flag.png[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvo-u5pU6jY][b]The Revolution is successful[/b][/url][/center] [center][b]Emergency Meeting of the Liberation Council[/b][/center] With only a mere three days left for the Societatem to agree to the demands of the Restoration Movement, the Liberation Council came together for a final time before the final day of the Ultimatum. Before the meeting began Divination Priests from the Marble Monastery were brought to the headquarters of the national government to perform a ceremony and blessing on members of the Council and to all of Xian in the coming days... A cloud of cigarette and cigar smoke hung over the meeting room. President-General Chiang Cai Xiao held his place at the center of the table, beside him Shiu Fuhua and General Jan Shinguo. Among other influential Council members sat Jang Winghau and recently promoted General Lang Shao-Ren, who had been called upon first. "With the most pressing matter at hand, the Council would like to hear the current situation of our border with the Kingdom of Soroya. We presume you both have organized your trench lines and rationed out equipment according to regulation?" Chiang began, gesturing to the two chiefs at the table. The older Shinguo took a moment to rise to his feet, his hands pressed to the table to support his movement. "Aye, President-General. My command has already established machine gun emplacements and artillery lines along our Northern border with the Soroyan-devils. If our demands are not met, we can begin immediate operations when given the order. As we speak I have my junior officers doing inspections on a hourly basis across our trench line." "And you, General Ren?" "The Southern Army Group currently anticipates a swift and deadly victory on our front, President-General. I have learned from the mistakes of the Yamarano-Basai war and do not intend to allow the casualties of that conflict be on my hands once again. Though General Shinguo and I disagree on strategy, I believe both of us shall serve the Xianese people proudly in the coming conflict sir." Ren gave a bow and took his seat once again, Shinguo following shortly after. "Very well then. What of the current state of our, to put it simply, war economy?" Chiang continued, adjusting his glasses and turning his gaze to Jang Winghau. Jang took a long draw from his cigarette, said cigarette placed neatly onto a jade holder that looked as though it had hardly been used up until that point. "The Type 98-07's production line has finished and the product has been shipped both north and south to the front. We expect another batch within a years time alongside new artillery designs and munitions. While we are the lesser economic power in the Restoration, I believe thus far we have most properly used our available budget in gearing for this conflict against the Societatem." Jang finished, taking another draw and giving a self-satisfied smile to the President-General. Jang had become snarky as he gained more influence in the Faresian markets, this led to him quickly becoming the black sheep on the Liberation Council and rumors against him spread ear to ear rapidly. However, his knowledge of money and finance alone kept him alive and sitting before the President-General. "And finally, mister Fuhua. What is the status of our foreign affairs?" Shiu Fuhua grinned and bowed to the President-General and the Council. He strode across the room to a map of the world that hung on the wall. "Now, gentlemen, we are on the eve of a war that will change the face of our world for decades to come. With our recent friendship with Manyeong, we are at a optimum position to dominate against any warlord state like Yamarano or the Varians who still encroach on our borders. Our only concern now lies in the fact that we have no major ally in Faresia. Our alliance leader and every other member of the Restoration lies an ocean away, and thus in this coming conflict we must rely on ourselves alone. Unlike mister Winghau, I still remain opposed to this conflict and wish to make that position heard to this council, President-General." Fuhua removed his glasses and wiped them with his handkerchief before returning to his place at the table. Fuhua was an awkward gentleman, but when it came to writing legal documents on a international level he was a master of diplomatic action. Some would dare-say his often innocent awkward appearance and mannerisms made him seem less intimidating and therefore a better diplomat, while others viewed him as merely weak willed and easily influenced. Regardless, he would state his mind in the Council and openly disagree with the President-General, which in turn earned him respect by Chiang. "Thank you Ambassador Fuhua. Your concerns are duly noted. Now, if there is no other voices to be heard I believe we can end this meeting. Mister Winghau and I shall be going to Jiangpo to continue trade negotiations with Manyeong and for a full inspection of our naval assets. Ambassador Fuhua shall be traveling to the Grand Empire of Survaek, the Societatem would not dare commit a war crime by harming an unarmed vessel so soon into this inevitable conflict. Generals Ren and Shinguo shall return to their posts and await further orders. Are we all clear of the tasks that lie ahead of us gentlemen?" The room echoed with 'Yes, President-General's and nods as the Liberation Council disbanded and filed from the room, the grey cloud of smoke following them out of the room... [center][img]http://www.cwi.org.cn/UploadFiles/wangda/00003136.jpg[/img] [i]The Liberation Council's ministry and general staff, circa 1907.[/i][/center]