[hider=An old character from a Medieval game I once played. Much better setting for him here, methinks.] Name: Alfredo Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: [url=http://i.imgur.com/DxS0kUo.png]Human[/url] Personality: Alfredo is very easygoing, kindly, humble, and at times mischievous. He travels long distances offering magic acts and accupuncture treatment to aid the communities he visits. You'd be hard pressed to find a way to get him to use his hands for real violence... Unless you're robbing someone within earshot. Brief Backstory: Alfredo once lived in a land to the far, far west, and came east as a small child in trading wagons. He traveled to the tenth world as his master, a powerful magician, brought him there to better learn and harness the power of Ki. He only knew a fraction of what his master did before his master died of disease, but a fraction was still quite a lot... He knew two powerful Ki arts, he knew how to make delicious potions, and that a Wizard errant was always polite to everyone he met... And he also knew enough of this to make a suitable living in this land, and so he has traveled for 15 years since then, adventuring and such. Styles and Techniques: He is a magician, and in combat uses one of two martial arts from Magician clans taught to him by his master. He can swap styles quite quickly when needed, but they aren't very easy to mix. [hider=Zhizhu Chao Quan] Zhizhu Chao Quan (or "Spider Nest Boxing") was practiced primarily by a secretive shaman's guild in Mongolia, before it spread and was picked up by warrior monks in Canton, where it was refined and its magical elements were brought out to a much higher degree. ZCQ imitates the movements of a spider, low, wide stances, quick, able dodges, leaps, acrobatics, and several ground positions. The Spider Nest Boxer never stays down for long, and when they are down, they're just as capable of attacking as they are when they're standing. The stance and style itself requires exhaustive physical training to master, but the subtle ki power comes into play when the special techniques do. The Spider's Bite: ZCQ strikes are all open-handed at first, but when they land, the fighter quickly "bites", clenching his fingers around the body part he struck with incredible force. (Which can be improved with Ki to potentially tear through flesh, if needed) They are quick to jam their fingers and thumbs into pressure points to disrupt the flow of others' ki. This disrupts magical attacks and causes immense pain. Or, in the right places, can cause paralysis,(Nerve centers under the arm and at leg joints) sickness/nausea/vomitting,(Stomach, kidneys, and throat) temporary blindness/deafness/loss of feeling,(Neck and spine) heart palpatations,(major veins and arteries) suffocation,(throat and diaphragm) and death (any positions for the last three if not corrected by the boxer or by a skilled physician). The Hunting Palm: After a successful strike, the master's hand can quickly "Crawl" along the body like a spider, sensing nerves, veins, and important ki flow points. If a sensitive strategic position is found, they can tighten their grip and gouge their fingers into it again without opening themselves up to make another strike... Assuming his foe doesn't just grab his hand and pull it away. [/hider] [hider=Fangshi Quantou] Regarded as the fighting style of the trickster, this form of martial arts was created by a band of alchemists who were regarded by their king as witches and heathens. They developed a highly dangerous style to protect themselves from enemies that were better armed than they were. The stance is very fluid, involving coiling techniques familiar to Drunken Boxers. The Alchemist can turn around on a dime and bend to incredible positions without disrupting their balance, making them frustratingly difficult to hit. The spells of the Alchemist focus on the elements they come across Titanium Strike: The fighter focusses their ki into their hands and feet, hardening them by an incredible amount and strengthening their blows slightly. The main use for this technique, however, is for grabbing blades and potentially breaking them when you don't have any blades of your own. Oxygen Strike: The fighter focusses their Ki into their breath, and becomes one with it, allowing them to create strong gusts with their hands and feet that have all the force of a punch or kick. This extends the fighter's reach greatly, but gas doesn't have the density or structure of a hand or foot. It can knock enemies off balance, but rarely ever harm them. (Unless someone decides to test how flammable raw oxygen is, in which case the alchemist is in just as much danger as his attacker...) Magnesium Strike: The fighter focusses ki to conjure and throw ball bearings of varying size, which explode into smoke and fire. The bigger this particular magnesium ball is, and the higher the fire-to-smoke-ratio is that it's supposed to produce, the more exhausting it is to summon. [/hider] Equipment: Non-Combat Gear: A small box of Acupuncture needles, a wine case of Cane Potions, (Basically red, un-carbonated cream sodas that wizards know how to make) a deck of cards, two waterskins, a bowl and spoon, and a mortar and pestle. Combat Gear: Alfredo has several hidden blades in his robes. The hidden pockets were originally for producing effects when performing street magic, but he's lived a fairly "eventful" life, which usually involved being attacked by bandits on the road. He has springloaded elbow blades, "Rooster Spurs" (Shoe knives on either end of the foot) a Shaolin Dart Launcher, (wrist-mounted small dart gun) and a magical umbrella, which happens to be quite sharp on the top end, in addition to making a durable shield when opened. He also possesses a magical silk cape, a tool he uses to obscure his movements, distract his foes (and audience) and hide things. It happens to be enchanted with an ancient and powerful spell, which grants it the ability to... Look really nice. [/hider]