[@Levythelevy][@ravenDivinity] Afina looked up at Odell, giving him a slight glare. [i]'I have no idea what he is, but he's one of us... Possibly a shifter?'[/b] Her eyes swiftly turned into a light purple as she did her best to scan him up and down. [i]'No, no, no... definitely a witch of some sort. Sulky bastards they are...'[/i] Her eyes returned to being a vibrant blue-green again as she did her best to stammer out, [b]"We participate in all sorts of events--most of those partaking late at night for all the night owls on campus."[/b] She cleared her throat, but her tongue was still in knots. [b]"W-we try to do a plethora of events, like late night laser tag and study groups. We also try to make it to concerts and various other night life events throughout the year--all paid for by the club, of course, as we do get a surprising amount of funding. Anything that you find interesting, I'm sure we can get around to at one point or another."[/b] She wasn't lying when she said that the school gave them excessive amounts of money, but she had her ways of wrapping the silly old codgers in the financial office around her little finger. Then a human boy walked up. The air around him sent shivers down her spine, but she turned to give him a friendly look and smile. [b]"H-hello, we are representatives of the Night Gard--"[/b] He slid his contact information across the table in the form of an expensive business card. [i]Rude.[/i] [b]"A-ah! How lovely! I'll make sure that you are added to our emailing list. We'll be meeting tomorrow night at Quills and Quivers for our opening meeting."[/b] She was getting more flustered by the second. Had she been in her true form, her feathers would most definitely be ruffled. [i]Oh, goddesses... help me...[/i]