Maria blinked, turning her attention to the leader of the group as the president tried to handle all of the students approaching the booth. She let go of her camera to let it hang around her neck and took the handout, looking it over. “Accepting all students, hm? Strange,” she murmured to herself. What caused them to open the club to anyone? Did the college finally decide that it was time to drop the hammer on the club if they didn’t adhere to the rules? She pursed her lips slightly, reading over every inch of the handout. [i]Perhaps this is the different club I need? Hell, this might be the last chance I could get to find out more about this Night Garden.[/i] Maria thought, slowly pulling a pen out of her small, over the body, brown purse. She glanced around at the other students at the booth. Some of them seemed to naturally fit in with the club members, but the others seemed more awkward about it. With a soft smile, she finished writing her information down and placed it in front of the overwhelmed club president. [hr] Thomas swaggered through the club fair, repping his fraternity’s varsity jacket with a white t-shirt, jeans, and vans. He smoothed back his blonde wave and winked at an attractive freshman. Man, this year was going to be good. He was going to enjoy himself very much. He grinned as he noticed the Night Garden club stand up ahead, crowded by students. His slightly sharper than normal canines flashed as he approached the booth with arrogance and style. The vampire’s eyes grazed over the students at the booth as he caught a whiff of each of their scents. The president smelt of bird, while the member sitting next to her smelt of dog. [i]A werewolf and some other creature. Interesting...[/i] He thought as he smelt the students in front of him. [i]Human… human…What is that? Smells like shit. Ah, sulfur. A demon. What an interesting addition to the monster population on campus.[/i] He smirked and snatched a handout from the booth. “Anybody got a pen?” He asked with a charming smile.