[h1][center][color=007236]Hunter Monroe[/color][/center][/h1] Hunter followed everyone in, he kept his rifle gripped tight in his hands. Though as he started going through the building he was starting to get an idea of what the place was like. Had a good stock pile for the few people inside, but with his "Group" added to it, it was spread this, down to a couple days worth. He also noticed they lacked numbers and medicine. He remembered how bad things went at his station after they ran out, people got sick really fast and a lot more died... then things got worse. He could tell they had decent firepower, but seemed the two best things these people had was the building, and the radio. Though now with all these people they had a lot of possibilities. Hunter eventually worked up the nerve to speak, He knew how bad things would get with out medicine. "[color=007236]I worked... with our old field medic a few times, I have a rough idea of what will be needed from the pharmacy. Can handle a situation pretty decent too if it come to it.[/color]" He still held his rifle, but a lot more relaxed. "[color=007236]We may also want to consider bullets.[/color]" He looked around the room, he saw some pretty decent firepower, but it would all be useless with out bullets. "[color=007236]With the right parts and supplies it is possible to make ammunition in small quantities. I am not saying this is something to do now, as far as I know bullets are going to be fine for now as long as we are smart. I do want to bring it up that it is an option. Especially with shotgun shells.[/color]" Truth be told, Hunter always liked feeling useful, he had few skills outside shooting a gun that were useful before the end. But now he was in a place where he could try an be productive, where he was more then just a man with a gun. He was ready to do what ever he needed too so he could help people again. He wanted this place to be like how his last station was supposed to be.