[color=BDBDBD][center][color=FFBF00][b]C H A S E[/b][/color] [color=ffffff][url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7429968,-75.5482754,3a,90y,326.23h,92.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWRNi00Id6yEUobIginSAuA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656][color=ffffff]University of Delaware Downtown Center[/color][/url] Wilmington, Delaware ---x---[/color][/center] Chase was sent back to his room for a shirt when Ana [@Pirouette] had something to say about his "odd behavior". He might have said something smart in return, maybe try to steer their short conversation in a certain direction... namely between her legs, but the unwavering grip she had around her pistol told him otherwise. That and her choice of friends. Even the golden hair and the awfully attracting undertones of a lingering Russian accent couldn't get him to try his luck... at least not now. He had more important things to occupy himself with and dealing with a seasoned trigger finger and an uncertain one wasn't a game he was willing to play. He left her be, satisfied with what little he'd managed to gleam about her personal life from a time before the Fall... which was literally next to nothing. When he'd finally stepped out of his room and back into the common area between the others, clean shirt in hand, he'd noticed the the place was now filled. Filled with everyone. John and Ana were there as were their hosts but joining the group of faces he already knew were new ones and a large number at that. 8 faces he counted. All quite different and yet all sharing the same tired and exasperated expression as the person next to them. [@FortunesFaded] There was the fancy man Desmond. All suit and slacks and leather. Unarmed at first glance but he was sure there was something of worth underneath the more expensive layers. His choice of clothing didn't make much sense to Chase. His own mind had already been warped, his perspective on the necessities of survival his biological Bible. Clothing was another means to prolong his life and a suit didn't do it for him. Then again, neither was being shirtless but it had been hot and he needed to cool off. [@Remipa Awesome] There was Hunter. Donning a plain T-shirt, Cargo pants, and some type of camo hat. It was a respectable choice of clothing in the summer heat. What really set the man apart was the fact that he was the one most visibly armed. The shotgun, the rifle, the hatchet. The shells lining the strap to his pack. The satchel and whatever the hell was inside it. The stuff wasn't light and the fact that he was lugging it all around? Chase glanced at the glock on his hip to make sure it was still there. There were times when he didn't even notice it's slight tug against his waist and that was the way he liked it. Of course with just the handgun he wasn't prepared to fight off [i]all[/i] of the dead like Hunter was. [@Foster] Wilhelm Taggart could have been Ana's husband. It was like someone had reached into one of those spy films he'd seen and pulled the main villain right out of the screen. Brown and thick coat that hung to his knees. That weird fuzzy cap that hugged every inch of his head. Gloves, boots, scarf. Chase began to sweat just looking at him and the oddities didn't stop there. Stuck to his legs as if by glue was a young girl. Children in the apocalypse were another issue entirely... and there were two in the group. [@Wade Wilson] Todd. A rather strange child of a young age he was sure. He didn't know. Besides looking like a miniaturized version of Desmond, he noticed that the Kid looked exhausted... very exhausted, more than the others. Perhaps it was the strain of the apocalypse on someone so young that was finally taking it's toll on him but he couldn't be sure and he wasn't even sure that he really cared. [@Desire] Then there was Cole. He was fit for sure, taller than any one person needed to be and sporting a body that looked as though it was made of pure muscle. His attire [i]was[/i] appropriate for the game that was coming up around the corner of never. He obviously didn't want to miss it. However it was the man's face that was throwing him for a loop. He looked oddly familiar but couldn't quite put two and two together. The Eagles branded gear. The name Cole. The... face. Chase mentally shrugged. Finally there were the two new women not including Ana. There was more estrogen in this one room in the middle of an empty city than he'd seen in a long time. [@McHaggis] Scout was the first to catch his eye. A little more masculine in appearance than one man might expect of a woman... at least back when the world was a lot more civilized. Nowadays? The way she carried herself, the way she stood off to the side and with just enough distance from the main group to single herself out. There was this air around her that told of someone who knew how to take care of herself and of a woman that didn't need a man's help or some shoulder to lean on. She had herself. Did herself. Was probably surrounding herself with this odd collection of faces out of self interest not unlike Chase. Her attire tasted of attitude with a dash of "I like shorts." He could appreciate that. There was a freedom in it that pants couldn't offer but also at the cost of an extra layer of protection. [@CandiBarr] Last but definitely not least was Sarah. She stood squarely on the other end of the spectrum. From bottom up, the natural way to eye a woman, Chase observed first her boots of a more southern cow-girl style. Her jeans fit her form a little too well and looked to sacrifice freedom of movement for a better view of her well formed ass. Naturally his survivalist Bible wanted to disagree but a second head was telling him otherwise... and it only became worse the further north he traveled. His eyes followed the curve of thin black fabric as it snaked around her hip and climbed to the low cut in her tank top. It came to an end dangerously close to the crest of her chest with black veil separating to reveal soft and supple light skin beneath. There was enough there to satisfy both himself [i]and[/i] the dead. Finally there was the soft edges of her face framed by the black of her hair. She was rather easy on the eyes, a specimen of the female sex that he'd never expect to find out in the waste. Most with her charm usually ended up dead or worse; a victim of rape and ensla- Her eyes caught his and the churning in both of his heads ground to a halt. The first thing that crossed his mind was the fact that she'd caught him staring. A feeling of guilt boiled from within his gut and welled up inside of him... at least until he realized that she was staring too. Her eyes a sharper contrast to the brown of Ana's, he did away with the urge to turn away and held her gaze with his. Clouded windows offered a glimpse into the black and it was there that he recognized something. A pain... or perhaps a need. Maybe both. He'd seen the same thing in many struggling women from his time in a long forgotten career. It was the need that came about from the certainty of loss. Although as common a story now as it once was, it presented an opportunity he was remiss to overlook. Still holding her gaze, he finished putting on his shirt, making a show of what muscles he had in his upper body before covering them up... temporarily he hoped. His mind juggled both Sarah and the other issues he had to address. Firstly, there were supplies that the group needed to scavenge. He had food that he knew he could stretch and he wasn't planning to stick around and make the place his permanent home so construction materials were out of the question. Medical supplies however were a hard thing to come by. He had some but it was never enough. And of course there was a more pressing matter he had to think about. Something needed delaying both for himself and for the good of others. [color=ffffff]"I think we're all forgetting one thing..."[/color] Chase began, finally turning away from the woman and addressing everyone in the room. [color=ffffff]"Time of day is late. The sun is beginning to set and visibility will be low. If you're all going to do this you'll either have to do it now or wait until sunrise. As for me..."[/color] He returned to Sarah, pulling the handgun from it's holster and checking to see if it was loaded. [color=ffffff]"... I can handle myself so I'm headed out. I can't stand another second trapped in this damn building..."[/color] The last part was mostly muttered to himself. [color=ffffff]"Medical supplies was one of the items on your list? I'll see what I can find."[/color] He finished, sliding the chamber shut with satisfying "click". [color=ffffff]"I'll be back in a few hours at the most."[/color] He looked at every individual in the room and tagged a name to each face. [color=ffffff]"Hopefully I see you all back here then."[/color] Chase moved to grab his pack, give his weapons one last look over and head out. [/color]