A story about Color. [hr] When all things were made, many things were made. Ice, Lightning, Fire, Creation, Change, Water, Time, Stone, Ice, Wind, Sea, Earth, Peace, Hope, Life, Knowledge, Emotion, Willpower, Time, Space, Heat, Chaos, Moon, Shadow, Gratitude, Victory, Truth, Ideals, Music, Death, and Nothing, to name a little more than a few. Another of interest would be Light. When Light was created, it in turn created Color. You see, Color was then a small and impudent force. Because it was only the sub-product of Light, a much larger and widely recognized force of Making, the other forces of Making would not accept it as a force to be dealt with. Color, frustrated at its lack of ability, decided to create something. This something was not a smaller sub-force, it was a perfect crystal. The perfect crystal was to be so amazing, it would slip into the Fourth plane, not the Third plane which Making's forces ruled over. Color would become the sole proprietor of unknown territories. Then the other forces would seek it out for help to rule a share of the Fourth, and Color would gain a stranglehold over the ruling of both planes, making it ever more widely respected than Light. However, as Color toyed with the creation of the thing, the Prism, it could not figure of a way to make it more brilliant. It showed the Prism to the forces, but the forces waved it off. Color spent so much of itself on the Prism that the Prism consumed Color. And so, from the Prism was born two entities. They called themselves White and Black. Meanwhile, as a world stood barren and nothing flourished, White and Black came down and decided to watch over it. The small planet, a fascinating target, captured the individual interests of each entity perfectly. White wished to reveal itself to the world and teach it of all the forces of Making, bathing the world in brilliant truth. Black wished, in turn, to watch over the world in silent, influencing the thoughts of individuals and groups from afar, washing over the world a clash of ideals. The two entities fought for control of the world, using the place as a bloody battleground to wage their war. As the two fought, there came a time when they silently agreed upon one matter. Neither would ever win. So, they met in the planet's centerpoint, and there they fought one final duel. Eventually, their power destroyed each other. White's remains laid buried within one half of the planet, Black in the other. From White's remains there came a race, and from Black's remains yet another. Doomed to fight each other for all eternity upon the surface of the planet, which the races named Prism (fittingly). White's race named themselves the Spectrum. They were a race of colors, diverse in many ways. Red, Green, and Blue became the main powers of their society, and each Spectra had their place among the three, perhaps leaning to one, all, some, or none at all. Black's race named themselves the Palette. They, too, were a race of colors, diverse in many ways, and each Spectra had a Paletan counterpart, as vice-versa. Within the Palette, Red, Yellow, and Blue were the forefathers of all the other Paletan, and each Paletan had a generation or was a neutral one, praised for being rare among the ever-standard generations and not bound to a generation at all. Some Paletans were tints or tones, part of the same family as a mainstream Paletan but not a pure Paletan, so to speak. The two races warred occasionally, but did often live in harmony as White and Black could not. The symbol bestowed upon one point on the planet as a dying gift from the two entities, a white wisp chasing after a black wisp's tail which was chasing after the white wisp's tail, but each wisp with an eye of the opposite wisp's color, served as the meeting place for Spectrum and Palette negotiations. To the Spectrum, it was the Yin station, and to the Palette the Yang station. Ah, well, they can't agree on everything, now can they? [hr] Now wasn't that fun? There's your story. Within Us A Color.