Members: ~Naveah (me) ~Side Character G ~defineunique ~tathgon ~ ~ ~ Characters: Screen Name : Naveah Character Name : Celeste Sheinora Gender: Female Age : 19 Appearance : Her skin is rather pale, as she spends most of her time in the underground secret base of the Rebellion, and she has a few freckles on her nose. Her expression always seems stern and serious, rarely does she ever smile. She has medium length light brown hair that's always put up in a pony tail or bun to keep out of her face. Her eyes have a cold staring look to them, as if distrusting or suspicious; they're a hazelish-blue color with flecks of green. She stands at about 5'9, being tall and slim, however you can see she's built strong and agile. The clothes she wears are a gray long sleeve shirt with a black sort of sash around her torso and she wears black leggings and combat boots. She has a belt around her waist with small pockets she uses to store useful tools that she had managed to steal from the AISE. Personality : Will come off as stern and serious, that being the expression she most often wears. She never lets her guard down and is usually strict and narrowminded. Everything she does is to protect as many people as she can, to find a way off this island, and to get as much information she can from the AISE, making as much for them difficult as possible without letting them know she's there. Deep down, she's a compationate and caring girl, she only had to grow up too fast. She'd be willing to do anything to keep her companions safe and will stop at nothing to try and bring down the AISE. History : Celeste has a long and complicated history with the AISE. She was brought here when she was 11 years old, taken away from her family, who were actually scientists themselves, though they had no idea what the AISE was capable of, so before she came to the island she was well-brought up in a nice home with a stable lifestyle. The AISE had tried to erase her memory when she was first brought here but they were unsuccessful. Growing up in the AISE she was definitely a troublemaker, always doing anything she could to give the AISE trouble, and they didn't take her rebellious behavior too well. At the age of 12 she had found out about the rebellion and she was one of the largest contributors to finding information and gadgets from the AISE. She was 15 when the first leader of the rebellion, the person who showed her the rebellion and was her best friend, was taken away for testing and never came back. She trusted him more than anyone, rumor has it even loved him. In his place, she became leader, and has been leading the rebellion strongly for 4 years and counting. But still, ever since he was taken away she was left heartbroken and vowed to herself she'd never let herself be attached to someone like that again, hence why she seems so closed off, always on guard. She promised herself that she would find a way to stop the AISE from everything they were doing or trying to accomplish by taking the children here and raising a super-human army. A year later, a week after her 16th birthday, she had gotten into so much trouble that the AISE wanted her dead. And boy, did they have a time trying to catch her. She never slept in her cell where she was supposed to, she slept in a hideout, made with things she'd found or stolen, but it was still much nicer than the cells. By now she'd uncovered too many secrets about the AISE for their comfort and they tracked her down, chasing her down towards the cliffs. She knew there was only one way to go from here. Only one way to escape, and that was to jump off. However, she had a plan. As she would jump off she would wait until she was almost within reaching distance with the sharp jagged rocks that the cold ocean crashed against. There was no way anyone could survive falling, that is, anyone normal. When she was sure they were watching her fall she disappeared as a shadow in time to maneuver herself to the cave at the base of the cliff. The officials chasing her didn't know about the cave, and they assumed it was a suicide, that she had died, so her plan succeeded. Ever since then she's taken refuge in the secret underground base of the rebellion, living her life in secret, while the AISE believes she's dead. And it's been 4 years since then, they probably wouldn't remember it recognize her if she did step foot outside, but still, it was too risky. She went down as a legend among the other children at the AISE who didn't know about the rebellion, just the girl who almost made it, just the girl who almost escaped, but somehow word of the rebellion never got out, and the people in it intended to keep it that way, especially the secret that the AISE's worst nightmare was still alive. Rank : Leader of the Rebellion Ability : Shadows. Basically creating illusions and trickery, "making" the shapes and creatures she creates out of shadows seem real and if she uses them to attack the opponent is likely to be actually affected by the shadow. She can also give the appearance of disappearing, making a shadow in her place so she can go about moving unnoticed. She also has the ability of shadow travel, which allows her to move into one shadow to the next, within 10 feet of each other with the area of being able to fit herself into them. Weakness : AISE's knowledge of her (makes more sense if you read History) Physical Weakness: long distance attacks aimed for her and an opponent that can match her speed/agility in combat. Number : 413 Other : the only person she's opened up to genuinely making an effort to care about is Mya, she's like a little sister to her. ~ ~ ~ ~ Screen Name : Naveah Character Name : Mya Sarynn Gender: Female Age : 12 Appearance : One thing about Mya, when you first see her, you might mistake her for a ghost out of the corner of your eye. Mya is a very small girl, but mode definitely doesn't look hopeless. Though she stands at 5'1 and is quite thin, she's definitely stronger than she looks. Her skin is a light cream color, very pale from lack of sunlight. Her hair is cut short, just above her shoulders and very blonde, almost white, it's slightly silvery at the ends, and this is an effect of the draining tests and experiments with her. Mya's eyes are a silvery-blue color, sort of cloudy and gray, as she is blind. Personality : Mya is very timid and shy to others, and she often keeps to herself; isn't easy to trust anyone. Since she's blind she's always cautious and careful, however she does trip over things occasionally when she doesn't sense them, often making herself seeming clumsy to anyone who doesn't know her. Deep down inside she can be kind and if she does open up to you she must really trust you. The few friends she has, if any, she keeps close and would sacrifice anything to keep them safe. But she's not too introverted, she loves making new friends and will help anyone in need. Most of her time she spends at the training center, training for herself and helping younger kids who've been brought to the AISE. History : Maia was 4 years old when her home burned down. Something happened during the fire that caused her to go blind, so she's been sighless ever since. Because of her experience with fire, she's extremely afraid of it. She was constantly being called worthless and unimportant by her parents because she was blind and wasn't able to do much on her own. She was brought to the AISE when she was 7 and was immediately taken in by Celeste, the leader of the rebellion. Celeste helped train her to find and use her strengths despite her weakness, one of the combat weaknesses they share. Mya looks up to Celeste and is the closest person she's had to a family. When she was first brought here, the AISE tried to get her sight back, as she was "imperfect" without it but to no avail. Her eyes used to be a bright electric blue, even when she was blind, but the experiments faded and clouded them. Rank : Rebel Ability : What she lacks in brawn is made up with agility and speed, being small allows her to really take advantage of a situation in hand-to-hand combat to slip away from an opponent easier. The ability she was given to by the AISE is keen senses, extraordinary hearing capabilities and smelling and touch/vibration sensitivity allows her to sense where people are or where something is if it's significant enough to stop a vibration of footsteps on metal. It's how she navigates around the facility and identifies where she is. Weakness : Sight. She is blind, so long distance attacks don't end well for her unless she can hear them before they attack and she can move out of the way in time. With guns, she knows how to recognize what they are by the clicking noise it makes while being loaded. By then she knows that whatever she does she has to do fast or she won't be able to avoid it. Number : 10024 Other : I'll probably add something later. ~ ~ ~ ~ Screen Name : defineunique Character Name : Doesn't remember. Everyone just calls her Watcher because that is what she does. Sits back and watches. Gender: Female Age : 18 Appearance : Long curly black hair with bangs over brown eyes and an oval face. She is thin to the verge of malnourishment with pasty white skin from lack of sunlight. She is much shorter than others her age. In fact, she doesn't look much different from the twelve year old girl brought to the facility six years ago. To those that didn't know she was a vet, they would assume she was a sickly child. Personality : Quite and reserved, though, highly intelligent. She tends to sit on the outskirts of crowds rather than being involved, though she wishes others would invite her to sit with them. She has a serious nature and doesn't appreciate jokes to hardly any effect. History : Watcher has been here for as long as she can remember, but as far as she knows, her life began at the age of twelve when she first stepped into the facility. She is a vet amongst the children, few older than she and none left from her entry group. Upon her entry, she was looked after poorly and was continually malnourished thanks to some obscure reaction to whatever drug they had pumped into her. As a result, her growth was stunted, and she maintains the appearance of a sickly twelve year old girl. Rank : Teen Ability : High observance. With this ability she notices nearly everything around her to the smallest detail. Weakness : Very sickly. She has a crippling reaction to nearly every drug they test on her, yet, somehow she manages to pull through. Number : 47564 Other : N/A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Screen Name : Side Character G Character Name : Patrick Hogan Gender : Male Age : 11 Appearance : Thanks to puberty being a lazy bum and seemingly have no intention of kicking into action, Pat has androgynous features in both appearance and voice. It's not like he gets mistaken for a girl though thanks to keeping his sable locks short but one cannot help but notice how much more his neck and fingers are slender and such if another boy his age was next to him. His skin is slightly darker than most of the test subjects that stayed cooped up in the shadows, though the lack of proper sunlight makes it barely noticeable. His eyes habour a set of bright teal iris, arguably the only part of him with a decent colour. Interestingly the side of his eyes end in a sharpened elevated point giving off the impression of a permanent angry glare. The eyes, his ears and perhaps his brows are the only facial features one could make out of him; the lower half of his face, more specifically from one ear to another and following down the jawline is hidden beneath a metallic muzzle. It covers his mouth and nose completely with indents and air filters in such a fashion that could give the creeps to anyone looking at him. His permanent glare really doesn't help making this any better. At least it doesn't make his voice come out robotic or anything, just slightly muffled. Measurement-wise he's not all that peculiar, standing 4'9 (~144cm) tall, 105.8lbs (~48kg) heavy, optimal vision and health. As if to emphasize his manliness and show off his body Pat is usually topless, a worn and dirty vest at most followed by equally damaged shorts and shoes. On a much cooler or breezy days his wardrobe swaps the vest to a jacket but that's about as fashionable as he gets. Personality : His physical features usually give off a negative vibe to test subjects and members of the AISE alike, what with the muzzle and glaring eyes, and Pat easily lives up to that impression. He is strong for his age and aggressive especially during brawls or similar, failing to stay down even if the opponent overpowers him by a mile. It should be noted that this is not because he is a rebel or he hates anyone but rather because to him this form of 'communication' and 'self expression' is as normal as tossing a greeting or asking to be someone's friend. Over the time spent with the AISE and other test subjects however has decreased his habit of fist-talking-before-mouth-talking. In truth Pat seeks the company of others a lot and loves chatting just as much as fist fights. He will take any chance to get close to others and to know them better whether by throwing hundreds of trivial questions or listening to rants or fighting in their stead or so on, exhausting every option he can think of in order to befriend them. Pat has no real opinion about his current situation. Being the kind who focuses on what's happening around him now rather than the big picture, he's too busy fulfilling his desires, in most cases this would be having company to spend time with. Perhaps this is why he comes out as one of the dumbest of the intelligence-enhanced test subjects, as well as being very gullible; as long as it doesn't make him lose too many people to talk to, he is cool with going with the flow. History : In truth Pat wasn't all outgoing when he was brought to the island and got his ability; his facial features were as misleading from the start though. At least that's what he was told, and he saw no reason to doubt that. Truth be told he sometimes wondered if his name was his real name too but there's no reason anyone would lie, right? He spent the first year on AISE mostly alone due to his ability, kept in a quarantined cell with hazard suited people coming in and out like some kind of sluggish aliens to bring food and do experiments. The experiments weren't all that horrifying though; just taking blood samples and injecting various agents. So yeah; not that horrifying, but a lot of needle shots. After the first couple months of blood samples and injections, the experiments changed; Pat was ordered to do exercises and marathons all day, every day to the point of exhaustion. Often times he fell right asleep on the quarantined training room instead of going back to his cell only to be shaken awake for the daily blood test followed by more hard exercises. It took him the rest of the year to realize the training was to raise his body temperature, making it a more ideal environment for the infectious agents to grow. Well, 'realize' may not be the right word for he was told that was the case. He shared his cell with others for the first time after that initial year, the same day he was fitted with the muzzle. It felt weird at first, the cold metal distinct against his skin, the puff of air that gathered as they were filtered of agents before passing over. He was also overwhelmed by the fact that he was not alone and wanted to interact, but he remembered none of the skills of social interaction. That coupled with his features really took Pat's life upside down; the experiments were now conducted by new faces and face-to-face without a hazard suit in between; this caused misunderstandings with the experimenters and brought upon unnecessary precautions. Pat was bound painfully tight and with less care, at times treated like a piece of fabric requiring holes to some of the more sadistic experimenters or as punishment for 'looking at me that way'. There were more injured test subjects than friends too, resulting from his failed attempts. Fast forward for a time to the point where the experiments and friend-making went on a few more times. He met a few who were willing to voice their opinions about bullying and making friends and adapted those values as much as he can. He made a few successful attempts at times, but his position in the AISE was still far from where he was aiming for. Rank : Child Ability : Asymptomatic Carrier - When injected with an infectious agent such as virus or bacteria, Pat's body is capable of holding it in his body in such a way that won't infect him. Pathogen Farm - Pat's body is capable of mass producing an infectious agent within his system. Peculiar Chemical Composition - The chemicals in Pat's body is modified to make the best environment for agents to grow; examples include enhanced muscle growth for a better management of body temperature and prolonging major body changes or growths to keep an optimal and unchanging environment. Ability Precautions In order to prevent disasters from happening, there have been a few restrictions put up on Pat. Transmission Methods - Pat is only capable of airborne transmission through the mouth and nose, and bodily fluid transmission; a modified muzzle has been issued to prevent airborne agents to leave Pat's body and is never to be taken off unless in a quarantined area. Monitored sustaining requirements - Food consumption and going to the bathroom can only be done in a quarantined area accompanied by an authorized personnel due to transmission methods. Word Trigger - In order to prevent his ability going out of control, Pat was given a way to stimulate his brain by voicing out what his system should do regarding his ability. For example if he said 'Infect myself with the cold flu', he will be infected by the cold flu. If he said 'Make more cold flu virus', then his body will do so. In that sense he is able to be infected or produce infectious agents only when stated. Weakness : Despite the intellignce enhancement, Pat is quite 'dumb'. Sure he can math in his head and recognize and name what bacteria he's dealing with from just its chemical composition or picture, but he fails to utilize or draw conclusions of the information at hand. He's also a slow learner and prone to make the same mistake multiple times. Side effects occured with obtaining the ability Fear of hot liquids - He will refuse to go anywhere near any hot liquid, including those in a cup. Fear of fire - Just the sight of fire can cause Pat to panic and run away to the opposite direction. Fear of direct sunlight - Minor case, and only with intense sunlight. Luckily(?) there's no place this category falls into in the island. Or is there... Number : 63876 Other : The muzzle requires authorized AISE code to take it off. Attempts of tampering will cause the muzzle to set off an alarm and ultimately a sedative which will render Pat unconscious. ~ ~ ~ Screen Name: tathgon Character Name:/ Issac Zattello Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Issac wanders the island in his dreary grey outfit watching over the many teens and children who stay here. He stands at a measly 5'2, weighing no more than 140lbs. His dirty blond hair has been kept short, trimmed to keep it out of his eyes. He seems to always be in cheerful spirits, attempting to bring up the spirits of those around him. However, he is heavily scarred by the amount of corporal punishment he takes upon himself to prevent others from having to undergo that torment. Personality: Kind and compassionate towards those that he meets and interacts with, Issac only wishes that life could be different and that the people that he met here would be friends with him if they had met in a place other than here. History: The history before the island is a blur. The initial vials of compounds were effective at eliminating what memories of life before the experiments was like. Living, if that's what you'd like to call his existence, was day to day torture. The Officials have referred to him as the "Shield of the Weak" because of Issac's tendency to try and take on others punishments. This has become a beacon of hope for others, but also a weakness for Issac. Rank: Teen Ability: - Healer's Hand: Issac has the ability to relieve pain due to physical injury and can completely mend smaller wounds such as minor cuts and scrapes. - Regeneration: Issac has increased stamina levels and recovers much faster from fight ending blows. Weaknesses: - "Shield of the Weak": Issac, when overhearing a situation in which someone would receive corporal punishment, will step in and attempt to take that punishment in their place. - Darkness: Issac has a crippling fear of the dark. This fear has only grown as he spends time on the island. Number: 2147483467 ~