Leo had fallen back to silent support for a few moments as he pulled out a kerchief from his pocket and made a face like he was going to sneeze. In truth he slipped the silver rings off his fingers under the cloth and began to chuff with his jacobs organ to take in all of the crowd. They were gaining too many people to fast and She was clearly loosing it so he stepped up once he put his rings back on. [color=fff79a]"Yes you can take a picture, if you sign your name. Everyone else line up to the left if you have not signed up yet and wait to speak to a representative one at a time. We're only human after all. Once again, this club endorses the outsiders, the ones who don't usually fit in or are away for home for the first time. We provide an alternative or at least a controlled group of friends to explore college and its associated nightlife with. We can make a date to check out that new nightclub and you don't have to worry about the sleezeballs being all over you. We work together in study groups and last minute projects. If you want to do something and don't want to be made fun of for being a newbie, we'll be newbies right next to you or we might even know someone. We are a community for those without one, safety in numbers."[/color] His green eyes tracked over everyone to assure compliance with a strong energy. He presented and projected himself quite well with one of those alpha traits he tried to suppress most of the time. Clearly class had to have been let out for the sudden influx but just like he said to the crowd, he was there for their president. There were those who didn't have the scent of human to them, such as the one with the sweets as he pocketed one and the other with the overly forceful presence. He couldn't tell what with his rings on, but both of the cocky bastards pushed against his presence in their own way, an inhuman way.