Name: Arnold Kent Race: Human Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality: - Charismatic. - Business savvy. - Womanizer. - Cheap Bastard. - Occasional Drunk. - Ruthless (If necessary.) Skills: - Genius Businessman. - Military Training as an Intelligence Operative. - Years of climbing up the ranks of the Mining Authority. - Information gathering. Reason for Visit: Corporate transfer from Mars due lose of former Foreman to "airlock failure." Not the promotion he was hoping for, but beggars can't be choosers. Bio: Born and raised on the now terraformed Mars under two wealthy parents working for the Mining Authority. Young Arnold hated the idea of working under the corporate thrall of Mining Authority and his parents. Joined the Terran military as soon as he could, hoping to escape from Mars and his family's hold. Picked up some business skills from his parents and found that he had a knack for negotiations and intelligence gathering. Was promoted to Intelligence Officer after further training and months on the ground working with military police. Only served a few years before his accident, an explosion of enemy fire during a negotiation gone south that cost many lives and Arnold's arm. Was honorably discharged and was given a PNP/1 Artificial Arm and Hand so he could go back to a normal life. With no other options left Arnold began working for the Mining Authority back on Mars without his families knowing. Started from a crappy desk job to nearly becoming a Senior Operations Manager, but sadly due to the lose of Tsiolkovsky Station's Forman Arnold was unceremoniously transferred and denied any chance of moving any further within the company. Livid at his sour luck, Arnold only hopes that this new job pays well and those nearest bar on station has enough booze to deal with his misery. Equipment: - PNP/1 Artificial Arm and Hand: Standard issue prosthetic for soldiers and operatives injured in the line of duty. Made entirely of space-age metals and connected to the wearer's nervous system. - One suitcase: Clothing, business shoes, personal smart-tablet. - One container: Several designer business suits. Position applying for: "I'm not applying for anything here you stupid piece of [REDACTED]! I'm [REDACTED] replacing the [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Forman! Were the [REDACTED] is the Cargo Hold and were the [REDACTED] is the bar!"