[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/32/a4/4232a47bb904bfe6ffbbd872abc31d51.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zxgydoB.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JfCYgxrQ_M]Mood Music[/url][/center] [h2]Plot Overview[/h2] [i]For reasons unknown, you’ve travelled here to Blackwood in search of something— I can see that. I’m not sure what you expect to find out here, but I don’t pretend you’d want to divulge such things to a stranger. But let me tell you something, something about this town: trouble will find you. So watch your back. Wasn’t always like this, though… I’ll tell you that. Fifty years ago, when I was a boy and this was a smaller place I’d say it was better. There were less grifters and hucksters and we all had a pretty nice town where people trusted each other, had no quarrels with the natives, didn’t have to lock our doors at night or pray to the maker for protection against witches or raiders. I’m not sure when it exactly happened, but after the Massacre at Red Hill and the Destruction of Sunvale it just seemed like we just let evil get the better of us— and by my count I’d say it’s got a good winning streak. Blackwood is still half-decent though, and we’ve got more yield than when I was growing up. We started as a small outpost town at the end of the railway we call the southwestern highway and now we have a lot of trade coming through: furs, metals, timber, cattle, grain, maize, and hops. For a town at the end of the line we’re getting to become pretty well off. I even hear that folks are considering rebuilding Sunvale and extending the highway through it, which’d open up a good deal of land for a lot of folks despite the recent memories an’ such. But like I’m telling you, people just aren’t close anymore. Your daughter get nabbed? Your problem. Your cattle get rustled? Your problem. Someone set your business on fire? Your problem. Only time it seems it ain’t our problem is when outlaws scope out the town and that’s only if the Warden’s Office isn’t dispatched elsewhere in the county or territory. I suppose all of this ain’t meaning much to you. Which I get, believe me. I’m just worried. There’s a supply train coming with the next dispatch and the local mining company’s going to load out their supply. We only have one warden up in town today and he’s a young one, and this is the kind of thing that gets town’s raided, plundered, raped, and such. I just got this bad feeling and thought I’d share it with you… you seem like a good kid. I don’t want you ending up with a hole in your head. That’d be bad. So if I’m right about my gut feeling and such… I have one last inquiry. Who are you and what’re you going to do when it happens?[/i] [hr] [list][*]The Brawler - Always ready to a fight, the brawler is most home up close and maybe with a bottle in hand. [*]The Drifter - Wayward but with charisma and luck to spare, the Drifter is always up for a game of chance. [*]The Fool - Forced out of their element for reasons beyond their control, the Fool has to fight to survive. [*]The Gunslinger - Fast on the draw with an experience with duels, but with a bad reputation. [*]The Lawman - The law is the only thing important in the frontier and the Lawman will make sure order is brought by any means necessary. [*]The Native - Foreign and skilled with her ancestral weapons, but ignorant to that of man’s way. [*]The Preacher - Headstrong and zealous, The Preacher will convert and punish those who cross their maker. [*]The Prospector - On the search for his fortune, the Prospector will drink with the devil for his gain. [*]The Ranger - A frontier expert who is more skilled with a long rifle and a rucksack than any. [*]The Renegade - Wanted somewhere, somehow; the Renegade;s skills are to evade and maybe… redeem. [/list] [h2]Out-of-Character Section[/h2] Welcome to Damnation - Lost Souls of the Frontier, a wild west fantasy romp that I feel and hope will be a fun expedition for all who are interested. Inspired by the works of Akifumi Kaneko & Takashi Fukushima, John Ford, Sergio Corbucci, Sergio Leone, Shane Lacy Hensley, and many others. What Damnation is at its core a fantastical gothic western setting where adventure and desperation are the destination. As you have read above, I have listed ten archetypes you may build a character around and these characters can be anything you imagine them to be (within the realms of reason and cooperativity) - this is not a “one gun show” and it will be blatant that teamwork will be needed to overcome certain odds. I will be looking for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 players before I get started so that gives us plenty of time to get started. Expectations and Rules are pretty basic. We will abide by site rules and we will do our best to remember we are all adults with schedules so we cannot expect consistent posting if something comes up. A bare minimum of one post a week should be a good idea and if inactivity becomes an issue it is the GM’s responsibility to contact you. Assuming your character needs to be interacted with for progress, if you are unable a GM will find a way to do so for the good of the plot. If you leave the RP the same thing occurs. [h2]Background Information[/h2] [indent][b]The Great Immigration[/b][/indent] In the “beginning” it was the trinity of merchant, adventurer, and sailor that dove into the tides of the ocean known as The Sleth in a desire for freedom. The situation in the western homelands were dire and depressing as famine, civil war, ruthless tax policies, and overzealous punishment began to make people suffocate in their suffering within the four major nations of the west: Lyuos, Ethria, Argostus, and Erdear. During this time it would not take much persuasion to risk life in the ocean for freedom when you had little of it where you called home and for the first of the flagship they were fortunate indeed when they landed on the shores of Gisaria. However, the freedom of their own domain was not without difficulty as frightening creatures introduced themselves to these colonists with vicious curiosity. However, the natives (known as the Gis) would intervene and offer a kind aid to the strangers from beyond the shores and eagerly aided them in the early years. However the weather and fauna of Gisaria would be the smallest of worries to the human colonists... [indent][b]The War of the Crowns[/b][/indent] The taste for the frontier was not one that became uncontested, a fact that became apparent only as more colonists swam for Gisaria. The nobility of the old world and of the four kingdoms began to shift their eyes to the untested and unexplored regions of Gisaria as more of their citizens left the only home they had ever known for such a wild frontier; all for the wealth of liberty. Several decades after the Great Immigration these kings would send scouting parties of spies and knights to infiltrate and investigate; to see how much value laid in these new lands. What followed was expected; a reaction that went as like clockwork— misunderstandings and reports led to tyranny to rear it’s head in the new lands and war was on the horizon, but this time it would not be king versus king but rather king versus pauper. The War of the Crowns. This event would cause the colonists that were all independent of one another to loosely unite into what would become known as The Confederacy of Man and with allies in the Gis it became a challenging and distant war that those tyrannical crowns could not afford. It ended in white peace, but the crown is always conspiring for a piece of the pie. [indent][b]The Aldite Conflicts[/b][/indent] Years following the War of the Crowns, a new development came to be when a mining outpost discovered the existence of a new ore which was so unusual that it became named after the planet: Aldite. But what was strange about it? Well, there was the fact that it was a irradiated mineral that opened the door for new scientific developments that turned the Confederacy into a cheap third world nation and right into a major world power in the course of only a few decades. The aldite whether it is red, blue, green, or yellow is amazing indeed. However this strained the relationship of humankind with the Gis; who warned of the dangerous implications of the mineral. Not long after several small wars between industrial savants, miners, the Gis; up until the Confederacy had to intervene themselves. [indent][b]Present Day[/b][/indent] It has been a good number of years since Confederate Wardens forced the Massacre at Red Hill to end; which concluded the first set of the Aldite Conflicts. Aldite Conflicts are still ongoing but have sobered since the aforementioned battle. However in the time that has passed something has occurred in the children of the former miners of the aldite deposit at Red Hill. Word is they have… strange deformities. Confederate Wardens have been sent to investigate after several townsteads have burned down in a string of arsons. As this occurs more problems brew as land barons, industrial magnates, warlords, and religious zealots begin to cause conflicts all over the frontier; causing issues with innocent settlers, down on their luck merchants, and non-aggressive tribes of Gis. The press back in the central hub of the Confederacy, Tricot, have headlined it as “the era of wolves”. [h2]Timeline[/h2] [hider=Hider] 2 BI - The Great Wither occurs, causing drought and famine across the lands of Lyuos. 0 - The colonial province of Tricot is established after an expedition across the oceans of Atles leads them to the continent of Gisaria. 12 AI - The War of the Crowns begins when several prominent leaders among the different colonies meet in the then colonial Lyudi city of Tricot. This was called the Council of Tricot, and involved leaders from all but the Argosian colony. After sending in their list of grievances to their home countries, the city was immediately besieged by sea. 14 AI - Consul-Elect Arthus Loren is hung for treason for delivering his own statement supporting revolution. His death incites his fellow countrymen to join the war, giving the Confederacy much needed strength. 23 AI - Following the Declaration of Cessation, The War of the Crowns formally ends in early winter successfully determining the liberties and freedoms of the people of the newly created Confederate nation. 24 AI - Confederacy drafts a formal constitution for the country, though government is given weaker powers, with the counties (fiefs) holding more political clout. Tricot becomes a central trading hub and cultural center even without the emphasis on political power; and grows into the confederacy’s largest city. 27 AI - Conflicts begin with newly established Argosian Colonies to the north over territorial disputes. Trade ceases with Argosi ships during this time. 29 AI - Etheria declares war on the Argosian Empire over lost land during the Imperial Wars. Trade increases between the Confederacy and Etheria during this time. 30 AI - Troops from the Argosian Colony of Sparanos attack northern settlements. The Confederacy declares war on the Argosian Empire. 31 AI - Diplomats are sent between the countries, the conflict ends with no territorial shifts. Only the loss of life between the three countries occurs. 52 AI - Humanity strikes a discovery when a mining company at Red Hill uncovers a glowing red ore that becomes known as Aldite, named after the geologist who would discover the vast utilities the ore holds for the Confederacy: Alaric Alde. 55 AI - The head magnate of the Redd Mining Company finds more geologists pining for the ore from his mine and increases production despite reported safety issues and a warning from a native Gis about the ore. 56 AI - The Confederacy’s frontier vanguard guild, The Wardens, are called in to Red Hill when a riot between workers and hired guns by the mining company turns into a small series of skirmishes that become known as the Redd Riots. 56 AI - The Redd Riots ends with the battle known as the Massacre at Red Hill. 69 AI - The first discovery of “alters” occurs when the son of a former surviving miner from the Redd Mining Company sets the town of Sunvale on fire. A warden is sent to investigate but not before the entire town is burned down with only a small handful of survivors who claim witchcraft and evil spirits had been responsible. 72 AI - More incidents like Sunvale occur where children of former miners of the Redd Mining Company lead to a string of arsons. The Wardens are sent in to investigate, namely a young warden named Aleister Hoyt. 74 AI - Aleister Hoyt’s investigation leads to information that the cause of the string of arsons is the fact that children were born with radioactive deformities that they could not properly control. Hoyt calls in a biologist by the name of Augustus Ledoras for answers. Aleister seeks out other survivors of the Massacre at Red Hill. 75 AI - Agustus Ledoras deduces that red aldite is inherently radioactive despite it’s potential in energy development and that the pseudo-magical abilities presented in “alters” are a result of birth defects of a parent with too much consistent exposure to the mineral. The report is sent back to Aleister Hoyt, who talks directly to his superiors. The findings are deemed as interesting and the case is closed. 77 AI: Smaller shipments of Aldite begin being traded with the older countries. Suddenly the Confederacy becomes an important player on the world stage; though the council in Tricot decides only trade a small percentage of their minerals; keeping the majority of the aldite for their own use. 80 AI - A deposit of a new form of aldite, this one being blue, is discovered. The hunger for aldite increases which leads to several incidents where Gis tribes would refuse to allow humans into their land on the premise of the dangers of aldite. This leads to violent scuffles between human and gis alike. The 1st Aldite Wars begin. 85 AI - After five years of conflict, the 1st Aldite Wars end after white peace is sued for after Wardens intervene to prevent further bloodshed and violence. The Gis tribes become to see humankind as greedy and foolish rather than curious and ignorant; some tribes exile human interaction beyond minor trade routes. 88 AI - Spies are tried and hanged after four men attempted to steal plans for a new aldite based engine. These men were thought to be employed by the Argosian Empire. Troops are placed on the northern border and tensions rise between the Confederacy and the Empire once more. 97 AI - Argosian frontier scouts discover an abandoned cache of green and yellow aldite amongst a Gis ruin. 101 AI - Following a devastating plague in Kaogen, Kenshi and Kao immigrants flock to the Confederacy for refuge and work. 104 AI - An Argosian stronghold is attacked by famed bandit “The Jackal”, he discovers the evidence of their aldite cache and uses it to strike a trade deal with Confederate mining magnates. 113 AI - Gis warriors attack Human trade outposts after evidence suggest humans have been defiling ancient burial grounds and sacred ruins for the aldite contained within. The 2nd Aldite Wars begin. 117 AI - The 2nd Aldite Wars end, and the Confederacy begins to look into ways to prevent this from happening before full-scale war between Gis and Humankind brings out ruin to the realm. The Council of Tricot elect an ambassador to the Gis for this purpose. 118 AI - A cult called “The Children of Nathor” is founded by a group of alters under the leadership of Jacob Nathor and Samara Erliss. They begin to conspire to protect themselves against non-alters. 118 AI - Present Date. [/hider] [h2]General Information[/h2] [b]The Confederacy[/b] [indent]----- [u]Members[/u] [list][b]Tricot[/b] {Name} {Name} {Name} {Name} {Name} {Name} {Name}[/list][/indent] [b]Blackwood Territory[/b] [indent]Established as an undefined space in the southwestern frontier of the Confederacy, Blackwood Territory is located within the jurisdiction of the Colonial Nation State of Tricot. Founded as a territory in 46 AI when the Redd Mining Company began operating in what would become known as ‘Red Hill’. Today Blackwood Territory is known as a industrious yet shifty territory that has had as much financial success as it has had moral ruin and tragedy. Notable companies in the territory include: Redd Mining Company, Mirstone Miners Guild, Schultz Timber Company, Blackwood Farmers Guild, Riversfield Ranching Community, and various smaller but still essential groups. [u]Notable Locations[/u] [list][b]Blackwood Township [/b] Riversfield Township Red Hill Outpost Mirstone Outpost Fort Blackheart [i]Uotah[/i] [i]Sunvale[/i][/list][/indent] [h2]Profile Skeleton[/h2] [code] [h3]Character Name[/h3] [img]IMAGE[/img] [i]“Quote”[/i] [b]| ARCHETYPE |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| SPECIES - ETHNICITY |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| PERSONALITY |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| SKILLS - ABILITIES |[/b] [list][*] [b]Attribute[/b] - [/list] [b]| FLAWS - DISADVANTAGES |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| INVENTORY - EQUIPMENT |[/b] [list][*] [b]Item[/b] - [/list] [b]| BACKGROUND |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [b]| GOALS - ASPIRATIONS |[/b] [indent] [/indent] [/code]