Power level is something you will always face. It is the ultimate reality our characters have to deal with. That there are things out there with unimaginable power and our characters have to cope. Everything works in progression. There is a reason I told our characters to wear the prototype power armor. I always reward players :p but not at that moment Mikael knows this. A situation will always present itself that will reward your efforts. As far as the fight with Joux goes, he wasn't merely a soldier but an elite in a specialized division with a focus in evasive alchemy. To beat him a frontal assault would never work, you have to be so unpredictable that even he can't follow. Also no, the alchemy used to speed her up was not done by a Vet. Alistair is roughly an year or so in experience by this time. Chronos and Viles are another story. I have made it abundantly clear that it due to the dread of insanity that amro was formed, that chronos were formed. While the first stage of insanity can be dealt with, the second stage is extremely difficult (especially for a chrono who is holding back). And also let me just restate, the consequences of this chapter will set the stage of Chrono Asylum. There are far more horrific things afoot, in terms of power there is no scaling. But that is the point. Our characters face a threat so great that they will have to improve, cheat and use stuff that shouldn't be used. Our characters will get stronger to meet the threat. That is where the Gemellie come in. While they don't contribute much to a fight, their forte is knowledge and with it we will get lots of cool little things. As far as training to control sanity goes, that should be assumed. Our characters are in the final grade, there is only so much that can be done, also there is a reason our characters have weapons. They are taught to use alchemy sparingly. This goes without saying, it doesn't need to be showed. Also I don't understand why it is hard to comprehend. Amro is nit a baby sitter or a mother figure. It is an evil to battle other evils. Your derivation of the conclusion that mostly A students rise to graduate is flawed. I have never mentioned such a thing. In fact even less Rank As graduate. Have you heard of the poison pit? A situation where starving venomous snakes are thrown into a pit and they fight for survival, eating each other. The one that survives has the most potent poison. That is how Rank As graduate, it is a blood bath to select the greatest one. The Jungle will not be happening. We are already near the end of this chapter, only the last twist remains.