[hr][i][h1][color=salmon]Haruka[/color] & [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka[/color] [color=fa8072]T[/color][color=e78381]a[/color][color=d58591]k[/color][color=c288a0]a[/color][color=af8bb0]s[/color][color=9c8dbf]h[/color][color=8a90ce]i[/color][color=7792de]r[/color][color=6495ed]o[/color], & Akemi Shinoda.[/h1][/i] [hr][hider=Blanket Barricade - Funny Instrumental BGM][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqpZ84SYkIs[/youtube][/hider][hr] First, the good news: the twins made it back to the shophouse safe and sound. (Thank NEST for putting the Ghost Town Adventure on hold and Haruka was saved from being sandwiched between a temperamental Meifeng and his [i]smart[/i] brother.) As for the bad news: he had no idea how to face their positively livid aunt - he had half the mind to push all the blame on Shizuka, but those words just wouldn't come out of his mouth. (Curse his soft, 'big brother' heart.) "So," Akemi began, her piercing eyes traveled from the older twin to the younger one. "Where have you two been?" Shizuka spoke first. "We were strolling around the streets of Chinatown, then we met some dude around our age who showed us around, and he brought us to meet his friends. They were all pretty nice peeps." Haruka was surprised at his brother's words, but he kept his face blank and nodded, agreeing with Shizuka. Their aunt took a step forward, her face moving closer to Shizuka's. "Nice people, you say?" Haruka could feel her voice going colder with each syllable. Shizuka's answer was a mere shrug, and said nothing. Akemi closed her eyes. "Did you know that one of those kids is the child of a NEST agent?" Both brothers gaped a little. "No, we don't know about that," Haruka said slowly, frowning. "Which one of them, anyway?" "The Chinese girl." Shizuka raised an eyebrow. "Meifeng?" He exchanged a look with Haruka. "Her mum works for the Metacops?" Akemi sighed. "I won't interfere with who you two make friends with in this city, but...just stay away from NEST. Promise me this." Haruka stiffened. [i]Why would Aunt Akemi warn us about NEST?[/i] Shizuka was less jittery. "Uh, why? The NESTies have no interest in [i]normal[/i] people like us." Akemi gripped the younger twin's shoulders. "Just. Stay. Away. From. NEST." Shizuka winced at the pain, but nodded along with his brother. Their aunt relaxed, satisfied with their response. "You boys must be hungry from your [i]little[/i] adventure." Haruka swore he felt a chill in the word Akemi emphasized on. "Dinner is almost ready, so go and freshen up yourselves. And both of you are grounded for the rest of the week." "W-What?" "Eeeeeeeeh?" "No buts. I'll go through the ground rules in greater detail over the table later..."