[i]Receiver:[/i] Name: Tatebayashi Eri Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53622802]"o." She is about 5'6" (167cm). (Japanese site)[/url] Her hair is [s]now[/s] blonde-white. Personality: Eri is the quiet one on the outside, barely talking in situations that don't require her to talk. She sometimes uses butchered greetings when she is around anyone she doesn't know much, seemingly trying to reject them. However, once one manages to get her to truly chat with them, she starts being less cold and somewhat more social, with increased frequency of unnecessary talking and reduced usage of butchered words, just to the people who she actually knows. Skills: Eri has learned Kendo in order to efficiently fight bullies with sticks, with basic first aid knowledge to assist recovering from injuries sustained from a conflict. She is also capable of a high-level acting, usually used to be a quiet person. Brief Backstory: Eri was born with her twin, named Keiko. She was raised by parents happy to help her, especially her father who actively taught her acting. However, when she was in a junior high school, the parents ended up divorcing after few days of heated arguments about cheating, with the mother taking Eri and the father taking Keiko. The event still remains in her heart, with the fact she ended up being bullied from the divorce only helping her create a cold persona to refuse contact from others while intimidating potential bullies with a stick. Tuner: She's gonna have a bad time.