[@Frengo] Also have this. I was kind of vague with the locations, so if you need me to I can do a quick mini map w/ a highlighted location. [hider=New Haven][hider=Faction Banner:][img]https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/nasa-flag.jpg?w=748&h=499&crop=1[/img][/hider] [hider=Basic Info]Faction Name: New Haven Faction Race: Multi, but the majority is humans. Age: 5 Years Faction Population: 800 - 1,000 Faction Tech Level: New Haven uses high tech weapons and tools, but whatever they can find in the wasteland, they see if they can buff it up with some futuristic technology.[/hider] Faction Leader: The faction isn't in a free state to have a leader, but most people look up to the main founders of the faction. Faction's Agenda: They mainly just banded together for survival and protection against the horrors of the wasteland, and dangers of bandits and other factions. [hider=Faction History:] At first it started as a group of twenty, maybe thirty people traveling together for protection. Along the way they picked up more and more people, before they established their faction, they had maybe 80 people when they found it. A cavern, filled with ores and crystals of all kind. Iron was the main metal they found, which they could use as a basis for their economy. They could trade, get things they didn't have, and even make extra armor if they needed to do so. The prospect of a strong economy in a mutant hell attracted many people to their factions. After about a year they had about 200 people fighting with them. That's when it happened. The Bandits. They were just started to feel secure when a group of bandits came and shot down their walls. They marched into the town, and killed anything, or anyone who got in their way. They said they would stop attacking if we surrendered. Out numbered, and out gunned they surrendered. The bandits were expanding their territory west and explained as lond as they payed tributes af steel and iron ingots, he would let them live peacefully. This quantity they expected was extreme, but they had to give it to them to live. They don't get trade from other factions because of fear of the surrounding bandits. The only time they get trade is when they go out into the wasteland themselves and find a faction theme selves. So they've spent most of their days mining, only to give a way most of it with little to trade. The bandits control their lives. They're starving, you give them food, they're thirsty you give them water. Now, instead of thriving they are back to surviving and slowly dying. The only chance of them living now, is a full on rebellion.[/hider] Faction Armaments: Only about half of New Haven is militarized. They have control of six cars they were able to jumpstart as well as two old army jeeps, equipped with a small three barrel rotating machine gun. The better trained rifles have acces to shock rifles, while the trainees are limited to pre-disaster M4A1s, an assault rifle. Faction Resources: They have an abundance of iron and use other metals they mine in order to create the steel alloy. They also have minerals such as quarts, and deeper in the cavern sapphires, rubies, and rarely diamonds. The faction also has an abundant supply of crops. They figured with the "protection" they have from the bandits they would dedicate their small expansion are to a farm instead of a watchtower. With the farm they would also have something to keep the bandits happy if they got hungry. Faction Territory: Right In the middle of the pentagonic outline that Strawford, Whitebridge, Willsden, Tregaron, and Lindow make. It covers most of the middle area, but the bandits also surround them on all sides, and have more of their main territory east. Competence Check: Answer with one paragraph, the following: Another player has decided that their faction has beef with your faction, and promptly attacks your territory without warning. Furthermore, in their post, they state that your faction suffers a significant defeat or setback. They have done this without contacting you first. How would you handle this age-old dilemma? I would go into the ooc and try to settle it calmly. I would see if their is a way we can redo the attack so that my faction at least has a chance at defending itself. If that doesn't work out, I would then consult the GM/Go-GM.[/hider]