Moses opened the door, sunlight and sand meandering in behind him where it could. He walked with a different, less thuggish posture than usual, standing as tall as he could. It wasn't much, especially not compared to the veritable giant in front of him, but it was still a proud stance indicative of a man with business in mind. With an attempt at the official pomp and circumstance of a prestigious agent, he took off his hat, but it was obvious by its suddenness (as if he had just remembered) and the awkward greeting smile that followed (When his sun-worn wrinkles would have you know he's probably never smiled in his life) that he's probably never seen either of those two things in the same place at once. "G'Afternoon." Moses said simply, his voice rolling out of his mouth like a lion's roar with a throat full of pit gravel. He paused for a second, considering his words, and through accident, misaimed frustration, or dumb luck, settled on the worst possible set of them. "Y'say yer a busy man, so I assume your'n charge of the law 'rounn'ere?"